The Terrible 3 vs The Angry Man


Elite Armchair Athlete
About 4 weeks ago I went along to Aspley bowl for a look see. Well to be honest the boy wanted to go see his latest super heros. The Terrible 3! ;) It was a fun night. The season was over, people were relaxed and having a good time. It was a fun night of bowling after all. Players using other bowlers balls, (with permission of course) or using house balls, bowling with the opposite hand, bowling between the legs (bloody Hamilton still scored) :? The natural talent of the man I guess. Yet there was one man that wasn't having a good time, on a night everybody should have been. The Angry Man.

It seems the antics of The Terrible 3 got the better of him. He was on the pair next to the guys and had it been a serious night of bowling I could probably understand his attitude. The team The Terrible 3 were bowling against were also having a good time. It wasn't until games had finished for the night did the angry man decide to arc up and start to abuse one of The Terrible 3 for their actions. I seriously couldn't understand this when you take the context of the night into consideration. If the team they were bowling against didn't have a problem with the boys, why on Earth did the angry man? Being the league President isn't a good enough excuse. A great night, not only for the bowlers, but the spectators as well was ruined because this tool was on a power trip.

Has bowling come to a point where it's impossible to enjoy yourself on what is suppose to be a fun night of bowling because of one person who isn't flexible and likes to throw his weight around? The row that ensued was ridiculous and should never have happened. The Terrible 3 were not at fault here. They weren't abusive, until the situation called for it, they were respectful to others, well as respectful as these 3 can get and above all they were friendly to everyone.

On a personal note I'd like to thank Ronnie, Steve & Tony for going out of their way to make my son feel like part of their team and making him feel special. I can't believe how wrong I was about you blokes.

Happy New Year everyone, especially you angry man. You need a hug mate.....or at least give yourself an uppercut. You may knock some sense into yourself.
I totally agree with you PeterB! It is this kind of people that are taking the "fun" out of bowling! As serious and good as you may be, there is just no point to the game when you are not having fun, especially when the opposite team and spectators are enjoying the moment! The Angry Man should have a long hard think about what he had done to the image of the game for any new comers that may have seen him... or maybe he should work for AMF... the he might know their slogan, Always Means Fun!
All i can say is "Vote with your feet". If you see angry man join your league in 2006, quit and join another. If he joins the other, quit and create another. After time Angry man will realise he does not have any friends and it was just his status as league president that gave him the impression of having friends and he might decide not to join your league.

My $0.05.

People like angry man are NOT beneficial for the sport and it is about time we weed out people like this.

Allow the sport to grow!
Yeh we had the same thing but it still wrong but also it was the league President that was yelling thats just not on a fun night it's meant to be fun for everyone to have with well thats what i thought a fun night about.

Thats My 2 cents worth.
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