The really good girls must not have bowled yet.

Up Yours i was just wondering how u thought the girls could challenge u, if u haven't even told anyone ur name.
Just wondering oh and by the way ur not exactly earning a good name for your self or for bowling.
this may be one reason why bowlings getting a bit less popular because of PEOPLE LIKE U!!! :evil: :evil:
I Totally Agree :lol:

It's a shame that people who act like this sometimes have true potential, but also potential in bringing a bad name into this sport...

:? haha i hope u understand what i mean, didn't know how to say it .. :?

Salata.. :lol:
Lets see how sexist this is

Ok upyours, I don't normally have time to post on this site, however you attitude leaves many issues to be addressed:

I believe everyone should have the right to criticise anyone, afterall how can we improve if we are not being told what we are doing wrong, however there is a HUGE difference between constructive criticism and just saying girl bowlers suck etc.
You may have a point, female bowling in Aus may or may not be as strong as it could be, however tell me how, why, and a solution. Until then you're just hot air to everyone.

Are you comments truly sexist? To address this there are two factors which must be taken into consideration, context and total defence.
While the exact wording of your comments may not be sexist, the context of previous comments and your previously expressed views leaves one to disagree. Just like discrimination in the work place, you don't have to say "no i'm not hiring you as you are female" instead you the context is used to guage this.
You wanted quotes to back this up,
What I have seen thus far (with only a couple of exceptions) is a bunch of teenage girls who wouldn't recognise a good shot if one jumped up and bit them in the a***.

I would like to ask, where is the constructive help in this criticism, secondly if this isn't directly and unjustly vilifying female bowlers (which is the definition of discrimination) then I am not sure what is.

Granted you may argue that this criticism isn't unjust, that it is a fair assessment, HOWEVER in order to prove that and use it as a total defence you must be able to prove TRUTH

i.e. you have to be able to show that if a good shot were to bite a given female bowler in the a**** she would not recognise it, which appears difficult as I've personally never seen a good shot attack a person previously. Equally you would have to prove that this effect is universal amongst all female bowlers. Finally you would have to prove that this statement is just by showing that the same situation would not happen to any male bowlers.

Can you do that?

Otherwise it appears that others have been correct in their criticism of your comments.

Finally I would like to say that if you can only speak your mind behind an alias, then you obviously must be ashamed of what you are saying, or worried of the consequences of your comments being attached to your personage. Either way you're either talking bull, or thinking it.

Feel free to address any of my issues raised


Sup Koz,
Must admit, everything you said is exactly what ive been thinking and trying to say nicely to upyours. How is what upyours said "just" in any way? I do not know, but i know for sure, with all the critiscizm i have heard throughout my life, that was a sexist comment. As in any forum, there are rules. As of seeing this foul act of critiscizm among the female Australian bowlers, i as one beleive that this issue should be dropped and not be brought up again, as i posted before in this sister topic. But upyours must be posting his "issues" with the female bowlers, not male, of Australia on this forum. This will be my final post, and speaking for myself, i would like to see this stopped, it has brought nothing but commotion to this forum, nothing but blunder. Once again, kioz is correct in every sense of the word, and that is my final answer. Good day.
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