If you are talking about Morwell, there is in fact alot more than two.
I know that about 3 coach juniours on voluteer basis. I also know that Patrick Birtig held a course a few years ago how to teach new coaches (which I attended). Like alot of others with a full time job, a business and more that one sporting commitment i also dont have time to work with any juniours or even with average joe bowlers.
At Morwell when Bobby H was running the show the juniors were thriving because russell would be down on the lanes wandering around helping out as a STAFF member. Shouldnt the proprietors be wanting to get the juniors into bowling to help sustain there income from strengthening the future of the sport? Maybe my business ethics are wrong?
Yes I was referring to Morwell
I didn't know there where more coaches (but just thought of another).
My point is why aren't they coaching-
OK some are but if the average adult bowler wants coaching where do they go?
It certainly isn't documented (the coaches in the area).
There used to be signs up every if you want coaching ask at the counter -Are they still there?
IMO there simply need to be more coaches in the system That are willing it spend more time requiting. encouraging and spending more time with future and current adult league bowlers.
Yes the current Juniors are the future but without the present is there a future?
How many Juniors go on to bowl in senior league?
Some do yes but a lot don't.
It has always been a problem here in the Valley with all Junior/Youth orientated organizations the kids move to Melbourne for Work,Uni etc
How many leagues have disappeared, WHY?
The current league I bowl in had 18 teams of 4 bowlers a few years ago this season has 8X4 man teams.
Other leagues have decreased the numbers of members per team or simply couldn't continue.
Even the league I first bowled in at Narrie the year it opened doesn't exist anymore.
One has to ask why (That was the original question wasn't it

Or more what too do about it.
Recruit more adult league bowlers?
As I said a previous post
If you where to ask a social bowler at any center why they don't bowl in a league I guarantee they will say they are not good enough.
Well make them good enough
Give them coaching