The Challenge is on!!!!



Ok prepared!!
When I get back to the lil island next about a couple of skins games when I'm there?? :twisted: :twisted: Both in Lonny and I'll be goin down south wif my daughter to hopefully meet up with a few of the ol gang! I will be there early March, so if anyone's interested, keep me posted...

Look forward to catching up with you guys soon.......

Hey there Fech, good to hear from ya there mate :D
I'll most certainly try and catch up with you for one of the $4 Moonah bowl stubbies - and a few games as well while we are at it.
Gourlay and Lance are there on Tuesday nights bowling in Suzuki Premier League, Paul's there on the Wednesday night, I'm there both Wednesday and Thursday nights.
You'd be shocked how well my game's come along mate - I can get a whole 3 revs on it now and can actually hook a ball 2 boards :eek: :D :D
Sunday March 2nd is the Classic at Moonah but we'll most likely catch up around then anyway......I'll see if I can rouse the old gang (even Norm :lol: ) into catching up.

Cheers Big Ears :wink:
You'd be shocked how well my game's come along mate - I can get a whole 3 revs on it now and can actually hook a ball 2 boards :eek: :D :D

Technology is a wonderful thing, isn't it Matt?? :lol:
LOL @ Androo.... you shouldn't be too nasty though. Matt has something you dont - a sanctioned 300! :wink: lol.
I really hope no one is stupid enough to try and play skins against a left hander in Moonah................. :roll:
Daughter dear.......isn't it about time you and all those other righties just except the fact that we lefties are born with natural ability, we dont have to struggle all our lives to learn it :wink: :wink: and Matt....I'll try and get down there on Tuesday to catch up with Lance and Simon....if not.....I'll be down during the week....I'll keep ya posted as to when.

Catch ya later guys...
Even I shot 600 lefthanded down here with a 12lb houseball... yes, for 3 games!! lol

And yes Kace, Matt has got 1 more sanctioned 300 than me..... And what a game that was to watch too.... I think the next highest score that game was myself with a 157.. hahaaha
My problem isn't with lefties... it's with Moonah's conditions that have always been weighed heavily in advantage of the left. And it's been like that ever since the place was managed by a certain lefty... :twisted: lol.

Do I need more proof than what Androo said?!? HAHA. Maybe I could almost manage a 100 left handed down there in that case Androo, you've seen me attempt bowling left handed :wink:
Kace, the conditions aren't that good!! I'll give you a 90 tho!! :lol: From last time, that would still be an improvement!! hahahaha
I bowled a 77 left handed one night :lol: But I can't even light a cigarette nor eat with a fork, nor write left handed, so I'm just I'm just a total Timmaaaayyy on the left :D

Androo, technology is sweet mate :D Did you see that scout I got the other night :eek: That was the first scout I've had take out the 10-pin since that Skins 2 in Lonnie last year :lol: That almost gave me a semi :lol: :lol:

K-C, you'd love Moonah at the moment - even I cant control a ball from hooking too much at the moment - I actually had to try and fudge a shot the other night ( shuddap Androooo :lol: :lol: :lol: ) and then go to a straighter ball. Had a track mark actually burnt into my ball on Wednesday night - took me 3 hours to clean it all out :?

Geez I wish I wasn't retarded right hander :cry: :eek: :D
Not saying a word Matt.. lol

I'm actually thinking of leaving my fingers at home next week.... just throw complete thumb shots.

Can you show me how to throw that shot?? :lol:
how much do you want to play 4 mate

:lol: it will be good to see you mate,and maybe we can all catch up and have a bowl together such as lance ,gourlay greeny,la cock and anyone else who wants to catch up with you and we will all have a bowl together
from your old pal paul lucock :D :D :D :D
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