The Amazing Shirt



Congrats to Macca on his SECOND 300 game bowled tonight at Strikezone.. and he bowled it wearing MY shirt!!!! hehe well done sweetie

Love Kara

P.S two up steve ;)
hey macca,

congrats on your 300 man, its gotta be the shirt, there was no skill involved, it was all shirt. haha just kidding congrats again

Hey Macca, Well Done man. It was great two watch those last two shots go down, Those Depth Charges are definatly installed with Auto-Pilot haha. Nah you bowled well mate, keep em coming. One more thing, it was definatly the Southern Spirit that bowled it!!

Later Da Cowman!
well done macca


Ur one of the great junior bowlers making there mark in australia. With 2 amazing 300 's under ur wing and also the greatest masters in juniours u sure are going to hit it big in years to come in all stages of bowling. MACCA ur a superstar, an inspiration to all junior bowlers.

later Tookey
Hey Macca...
Well done you champion. It was so the shirt. LoL.
I wish I had gotten to see it...I didnt see your other one either and to make it worse I was actually IN THE CENTRE for the first one.
Meh...looks like Ill have to bowl one for
Anyways, well done on yer 2nd 300

Macca, Macca Macca, well i wasnt there to see it AGAIN but congrats man - keep up the great bowling :) and maybe one day i will actually see you bowl one
Macca-bubz....omg!! congrats on the 300, and im sure it was all the shirt's doing... :wink: kidding!!! great to see the southern talent is out in great form lately, like alwayz...see ya soon

Why Why Why???????

All you damn ACT?SNSW people bowlin ur 2nd 300's and im jus sittin bak here wif one :(

Hehehehe :p just kidding man. Well done. One is something to be proud ov but 2 is jus amazing. As all the othas have said, "ITS ALL IN THE SHIRT!! :p :p .

Great goin dude

Ill catch up some day :roll: :roll:

Catchas l8r
Why you ask matty? its coz macca was using a STORM ball, and as we all know, STORM make the greatest bowling balls

Hey Mr.Terrific! :wink:

Just wanted to say congrats and keep it up. Knew you would bowl more then one and we know u have plenty more up ur sleeve.

Congrats again =D> =D> =D>

Love the 3 best nq girls

Melissa, Elle and Maree
Macca mate congrats on the big #2 :p

of course u have to do it when im away from league AGAIN...keep up the good work and im sure there will be many more to come.
Congrats Macca, u champion! Another STORM 300, eh! You'll have to bowl your 3rd 300 in Legends so that i can see it, mate. Good on ya. =D> =D> =D>
Well Done MACCA good work keep it up maybe u do some of them at sydney cup ok just saying congrats and CYA at junior sydney cup


ahh but jen and chris...did he bowl the 1st one in that shirt?

if not then it must have been he himself, not the shirt
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