My thoughts on the week:
A very, very well run tournament - kudos to everyone involved in the whole setup, the professionalism was an absolute credit to the TBA, AMF and the centre staff

To me that was probably the most professional Nationals that's ever been run and it was excellent to see some of the pro's come out for the tournament, also wonderful seeing Lovey, Batson, Mackie etc around the centre too.
Yes, it was hot out on the lanes as others have mentioned, but with a reasonable amount of people in the centre and the high humidity Sydney gets, that was always going to be a bit of a factor.
Very nice centre too, my only bugbear with it was the approaches, it was the first time I've ever bowled on synthetic approaches and unfortunately I had a whole heap of trouble with them, lost my timing completely and everything that could go wrong ended up going wrong, but I'll learn from that next time.
All in all, a very steep learning curve that I probably needed to modernise my game in all aspects.
The RSL across the carpark was excellent, I think I put on about 3-4kgs from all the meals I ate over there during the week. Beautiful!
Wouldn't mind staying in the Novotel next to the RSL if it's held there next year, I heard it was nice and certainly a whole heap better than that cockroach infested, falling to bits "Fawlty Towers" (aka Blacktown Waldorf Apartments) where we were staying this year, complete with its own Manuel, rotting rubbish outside the door from Mr Ping's restaraunt, stench, grime and Sudanese gangs roaming the place. An absolute dive.
Speaking of the Sudanese gangs, one of our Rachuig boys ran into a bit of strife after the dinner with a group of them trying to mug him on his way to Maccas.
They picked the wrong bloke there! Belted the sh*t out of the main one and the rest scarpered. Could have been a lot worse though.
Was a good week, not for me personally, but for the sport as a whole it looked like a real turning point and hopefully the whole sport comes back together in time and supports what they're trying to achieve.
Great job everyone!!