TBAQ Events Calendar Meeting


Tick Tick Tick BOOM!
Hi all,

TBAQ will be holding their Calendar Meeting to set dates for 2010 which will be held on the 14th September 2009. If you wish your event to be ADVERTISED on the calendar and AVOID your event clashing with other events in your region, please send your dates now to avoid disappointment.

For further information please see the attached file or call the TBAQ office on the number below.

Yours in Sport,

David Brown
Administration Officer | True Sports Lives Here - Tenpin Bowling Coordinator
Tenpin Bowling Association of Queensland Inc.
Sports House
150 Caxton Street
P: 07 3876 5400
F: 07 3369 1118
E: tbaq@tbaq.org.au
W: http://www.tbaq.org.au


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Andrew, will the XXXX truck be driving past at a convenient time?

See you there.

a marion special would be nice - cheese, jalopenos and pepperoni - that's if you are taking orders, David ;)

(mind you, the piza place doesn't call them a marion special, so don't ask for it like that, they won't have an idea in hell what it is ;)
Hi all

Just a reminder that that TBAQ Events Calendar Meeting is on Tonight at Sports House, Milton. Starting at 7pm.

If you would like to register your tournament for next year please email the TBAQ office before 5pm today (tbaq@tbaq.org.au)

There will be pizzas galore!

We look forward in seeing those who can attend to the meeting :)
Thanks to TBAQ for providing the opportunity for the 'Calendar Meeting'. With so many events here in the great State, it certainly makes scheduling a bit easier - not easy but a 'bit' easier.

Co-operation between various organisations is important and a round table conference (with Pizza but no XXXX) with face-to-face contact is so much easier than the more modern way of communication sometimes.

Thanks again and NO ... there is no magic answer to some clashes and we await TBA Ranked Calendar for 2010 so that some dates can be ratified.

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