TBA survey results

Now for my comments, and time to stick my neck out.

Freakin awesome job TBA. I'm impressed with the initiative, the results and the chance to have my say. Bowlers for as long as I've been participating in the sport have whinged and whined about not having a say. They often use this site to give feedback, but I also understand the time restrictions to filter through 1000 topics all made about the same issues.

Off the top of my head, I can't think of ANY OTHER SPORT that have EVER gone to the lengths that you guys have to ask for feedback about any issues associated with the sport.

While the survey didn't include absolutely everything that is wrong at the top level, IMHO it is definately a step in the right direction. The "other comments" field is full of constructive feedback, and it appears that those that did do the survey gave their honest opinions because we are about working together to move the sport forward.

I also think that having a 3rd party running the survey is 100% spot on. That way the results are as they were given, and there was no chance of any dodgies. The results are pure, and again IMHO cover most of the very important issues associated.

Thanks for a great initiative!

Andrew Tonkin

Disclaimer: I have no involvement with the survey, and I am not in any way affiliated with the TBA apart from being a member. My opinion is just that, my opinion.
I agree Tonx - sending us out the results was also a move in the right direction!
Seems general consensus is too many ranked events, location of ranked events and the ranking system.

Some great food for thought for the TBA.

We wanted more communication between us and the TBA.
They released the 2010 selection policy earlier, they have now requested feedback from the bowling community and released the feedback obtained back to the bowling community.
TBA are proving they are listening to us and moving forward in a positive direction.
We should start congratulating TBA on their efforts as freely as we criticized them in the past! Hopefully that will give them enough aknowledgement that we do appreciate their efforts so that the current momentum becomes perpetual motion.

Well done TBA! Hopefully the information will be used effectively and wisely and the tournament (and bowling) scene will improve greatly over the next few years.
Things will not be fixed overnight, though, the feeling I am getting from the current TBA is that, eventually, it will be fixed!

Thank you.
Well done TBA. I completed the survey as soon as it became available verbatim to what fitzy has stated above. this was an excellent initiative and more of these sorts of communicades can only help in getting our sport more in the right direction and not going backwards.

Regardless of thoughts about the results and rights and wrongs, this was just what we needed.

Once again, well done TBA
My vote is get rid of Gillian as the current CEO of the TBA because she has done nothing and let no one else do anything as well
Not one thing has she delivered that appears in her work plan
TBA has half the members we had last year
The TBA will have no money next year to pay her
She has one year left to run on her contract !!!
She is not the answer, we need a hands on person with knowledge of Bowling not a corporated ideas based person who wont listen.
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