The fact remains that not all States operate the same. It should be TBA No 1 priority to have all states operate under the same system. Until this is implemented thru-out the country we will be a divided national body with no real powers to administer.
From what I can gather SA is only state to have followed the blue[rint set down several years ago by the National Body.
Question needs to be asked why have the other States or territories not followed the same path.
I know that originally AMF centre Managers could not be bothered to collect registration fees in Victoria and or NSW. Maybe it was a directive from senior Management, which would seem a bit strange, seeing that AMF were pushing the registration drive on TBA board.
Each centre in Australia should have their own association and should answer to their State Board who would then answer to the National body. This would bring everyone under the same umbrella and streamline the management of Tenpin Bowling In Australia.
Each Centre should have a representative on the State Board and each State would select a representative to represent them on the National board.
This would ensure that every State and Territory would be represented at all times at National Level regardless how many members are residing in that State.
The ABPA association along with Goldpin and AMF should be leading the way to get Tenpin Bowling on the right track.
By having centre reps on State boards will give ALL bowlers, I repeat all bowlers the opportunity to be heard at local, State and National Level. And if that particular rep does not do the right thing by the bowlers who voted them in, then the same bowlers can vote against them next time around.
Discussion has been taking place for the last 4-5 years and we are further away from solving the problem.
What the Tenpin Bowling Industry needs is some strong leadership and thick hides to deal with everyone involved in the bowling industry. And we need this very soon. We need to rid ourselves of the current Board and CEO and as they have proved to be very slack in the administration of our great sport.
We need solutions and we need them NOW

Joe Tomasinski
Mt Isa Super Bowl