Only rich people carry hundred dollar note that time of the night Liz :roflmao:

Actually Alex if it's a female she may have $100 note on her for another reason ;)

Hmmm that was a bit s***ist - I suppose it could be a male also for the same reason........

Some website you got! Time to pop some standing sheets on there! ;)

Ask the bowl for a HTML file of their standing sheets, unless you got your own system of course.

If I can be of service to help young Benjamin on his website, please do not hesitate to ask!
Totally agree with you Liz ;)
Hi Richard,
Thanks mate. I am sure young Ben will be more than happy you helping him with our website mate.
We have our own scoring system that have to be loaded up weekly but we have been assured by our lovely manager Lisa that at the beginning of round two we should have the centre's HTML file. Ben Adams will be our man!! All looks good. Just from the top of my head top three teams as of last week.
1st Team Delta Multizone
2nd Team Ebonite
3rd Team Pappadams

Two more weeks to go. But the points are very close. Any team can win the competition on the last week.
We would also like to welcome Monica Lee to our league.
Super League Knox ..where our bowlers rule!!
Wow@ Ben's new website.
Bowler of the week was Mr 300 Vi Huynh. Suprise suprise :cool: Well bowled mate. We are all very proud to have you in our league.
One more week to go and i am willing to put a wager that team Delta Multi Zone should finish first. A well balanced team.
Have a good week all.
Alex :)
I managed to get a print out for last weeks high games.
Team Showtime was thrashed by Team Happy Gang. I wonder why :p
Our young juniors Mark and Dylan Chow did us all proud last saturday. Dylan who's averaging 126 bowled 147,133,150 for a 430 series. His brother Mark averaging 120 bowled 100,146 and a 143 for a 389 series. Well done boys. It's so funny watching them try to beat each other :chair:
Few high games. Rodney Veal bowled 225,235. Tina Sgroi 199 204. Daniel Keyzer 234 game.
Alice Chiah averaging 126 bowled very well for her average. She bowled 144,131,129. She is getting better by weeks. Her good looking spunky son Chung bowled 223,186 and a 191 game.
Edsel Salalila who won the Knox tournament two weeks back bowled 235 game. Josh bowled 225 game and yours truly 256 game.
Steven Heyne who is the bowler of the week averaging 141 bowled 152,180,177 for a nice 509 series. Well done mate.
Top three standings as of last week.
Delta Multizone 347
Pappadams 340
Ebonite 338

Just got a phone call from Cristy Chow. After last weeks victory. Dylan Chow who is only 12 years old and his brother Mark who is 13 just bought a Total NV from Patrick. Go Dylan :D
A big thank you to Bri for organising the trivia and for a great night out. We almost got all the countries right. And the winner was Team X - Men. Told you there not just pretty face!
A big thank you also to our manager Lisa and all her staff members especially Sharon for helping us out with the food and getting the room ready.
Super League would also like to welcome our young champion bowler, Ben Tait to our league. It's a three way fight between Josh, Ben and Vi for the 300 game. The rest of us need miracles. Good luck guys.
Top three finish for round 1.
Team Ebonite 377.5 by half a point!!
Team Delta Multizone 377
Team Pappadams 366
Congratulations guys. We did pay $200 to the last team as promised.
200$ to the last team as promised ( MY TEAM !!! ) Its Dylan by the way Alex. Where's Jim thought he would be on Legend something. Oh well. By the way Complete nv! But Edsel has one and Chris in his team might get one, So much for being special.....:mad:
Did you hear i was gonna bowl for Delta Multizone xD PRESSURE!.... Better do good or Edsel will kill me:p his a good bowler though. What's his average now, ??? Like one eighty something.;)

Hey you should check my first 3 games/ series with the complete NV
i think 134, 179, and forgot the other one :D

Anywaiiz Talk to you later take care

200$ to the last team as promised ( MY TEAM !!! ) Its Dylan by the way Alex. Where's Jim thought he would be on Legend something. Oh well. By the way Complete nv! But Edsel has one and Chris in his team might get one, So much for being special.....:mad:
Did you hear i was gonna bowl for Delta Multizone xD PRESSURE!.... Better do good or Edsel will kill me:p his a good bowler though. What's his average now, ??? Like one eighty something.;)
Hey you should check my first 3 games/ series with the complete NV
i think 134, 179, and forgot the other one :D
Anywaiiz Talk to you later take care
That is so uncool Dylan! Your mum have to look for another team now :p
You bowled 132, 179, 170 for a 481 scratch series and guess what Dylan? You're the bowler of the week. Well done mate :cool:

Impressive, Ben. That's great to see what's our scores without going to AMF Knox.

Amazing we came 2nd last again like the start of last season LOL.:rolleyes:

Slow start again I see Vi :rolleyes: :p
Top job Ben and Vanessa. A big thank you also to our Assistant Manager Leanne de Jonk for helping us with the files.
Wow look at Choung Cao our hack from former Box Hill. He rolled 701 series in the first week. How good is he?
The Chelsea Legend's team bowled very well for their averages too.
Keep up the good work guys and remember the success of our league is in your hands.
Let's see how many of us can maintain the 200 plus average after week two.
It's going to be a blood bath between my new team "Knox Knights" against my old team "Showtime". They have changed their team name to "Underdogs". I wonder why. Bring it on Joshi.
Congratulations also to Tony & Vanessa Pappin and Judy Krishnan for making the 2008 Knox Dunn Shield Team. Go Team.
Ps We have to shut down a team due to an injury and another bowler losing her job. We wish her best of luck.
On behalf of Super League Knox, we would like to wish our Chelsea Legend, Jim Murphy a big birthday wish. He doesn't want you guys wasting your money on gifts ...just give him the CASH :D
Have a good one mate :drunk:
Hey Alex... you cant keep your 200+ ave by not bowling... :p

But it's good to see that such trivial matters dont concern you. Its only been 2 weeks but it is a very friendly league. Still... although the prize fund is good... I'm chasing those doughnuts... mmmmmmm doughnuts. Even though i know i shouldn't. :D
Hey Alex... you cant keep your 200+ ave by not bowling... :p
But it's good to see that such trivial matters dont concern you. Its only been 2 weeks but it is a very friendly league. Still... although the prize fund is good... I'm chasing those doughnuts... mmmmmmm doughnuts. Even though i know i shouldn't. :D
You just have to bowl your 843 series again Micky!! What was it 256,300,287 for a lazy 843 :D
I think our doughnuts are under threat people!!
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