Yeah Alex my mum's team is pretty good. And i just left there to bowl for Edsel's team. Mayb i should swith back

.. naaa its ok michelle , me, ivan , chris and edsel can win it.
Its lookin really close! 3 points from 1 to 2 and 3 from 2 to 3. Still early.....
My mum doesnt bowl for a while and she comes back 164 average O_O UNBELIEVABLE
is she even taht good hehe
I bowled well last week ma highest game 211 i think it was im slowly improving... i strung a 4 bagger to start then 2 opens which i should had closed following with a turkey then an open on the last frame....

Sparing was a killer for meee!!!! if i spared them i would had gotten a much bigger score.
Thats it from meee ( TOOK A WHILE

) playing pappadums next week i dont know if im bowling or not but if i do that would b a great match!!!!!
BYE BYE!!!!!!!!