
Sponsored by Allens Realty Blackburn.

Super League Forest Hill will be starting Round 2 in 4 weeks time.

Format:Team of 4 (Individual bowlers welcome)
Day:Saturdays (we allow unlimited pre bowls)
Time:5.15 pm

Bowler of the week: A box of Krispy Kreme Donuts.

Proposed payouts based on 14 teams bowling 21 weeks.

1st $2000
2nd $1500
3rd $1000

4th $800
5th $700
6th $600
7th $550
8th $500

9th $450
10th $400
11th $350
12th $300
13th $250
14th $200

Please Ring Forest Hill on 9878 0122 or speak to Nick Williamson/Justin Lopes.
Congratulations to team Hurricane Juroes for winning Round 1. Well done also to Elena Mundy for bowling the female high game of 255.

Top 3 this round: Hurricane Juroes,Smash and Never Surrender.

Team game: Show Me The Money 889
Team game with handicap: Hurricane Juroes 946
Game series: Sum-Ting-Wong 2386
Game series with handicap: Smash 2819

Female high game: Elena Mundy 255
Female high game with handicap:Alice Chiah 263
Male high game: Josh Morel 300
Male high game with handicap:Joseph Manalang 298

Female series: Judy Krishnan 591
Female series with handicap: Kerry Murphy 695
Male series: Leigh Saunders: 803
Male series with handicap: Chung Chiah 799

*Only one award per bowler/team*

Round 2 starts this Saturday at 5.15 pm. All welcome :)
Judy bowled a 246 game and lost to Choung Cao who bowled a 268 game!! He also bowled 691 series. Nice bowling mate. Donuts time I reckon.
Team "Untouchables" now got three lefties. How weird :eek:
Just a reminder guys, no pre bowling for the last 3 weeks of this round unless if you are working and it will be 22 weeks. The new format seems to be working already. Thanks for the feed back.

Top 5 after Week 3

1.Sum-Ting-Wong - 49.5 :D
2.OMG - 43
3.Show Me The Money - 40
4.Team Odd - 37.5
5.Untouchables - 37

Male High Game: Josh Morel 278, Ivan Aranda 254
Series: Ivan Aranda 737 who is our Bowler of the Week & Josh Morel 684

Female High Game: Elena Mundy 214
Series With H/Cap: Annie Ha 626

Have a great week.
Top six after week 6.

OMG 83
Show Me The Money 82
Sum-Ting-Wong 80.5
Never Surrender 66.5
Juroes 66.5
Team Odd 66.5

Top Female

Game-Judy Krishnan 245
W/Hcp-Elena Mundy 250
Series-Kerry Murphy 597
W/Hcp-Annie Ha 713

Top Male

Game-Josh Morel 278
W/Hcp-Simon Duong 278
Series-Ivan Aranda 737
W/Hcp-Choung Cao 739

Krispy Kreme Bowler of the Week-Roger Huynh.
Vi Huynh is back from his injury :)
Have a great week.
Week 7 High Games

Male Game: Ivan Aranda 268, Damien Lowry 239.
Female Game: Alice Chiah 211. Her highest game ever!! Well done Alice :thumbup: She is also our bowler of the week. Roger Huynh is the runner up.
Male Series: Ivan Aranda 698
Female Series: Judy Krishnan 561

Male Series W/HCP: Roger Huynh 675
Female Series W/HCP: Alice Chiah 665

I have been bowling about twenty years and have bowled in about half a dozen leagues and would like you bowlers to know that we have a new good league running at Forest Hill on Saturday nights. We take care of our bowlers.their money and scores. Anyone interested in joining our league,please send me a private message at
Thank you.
Terry Whitham
League Secretary
Super League Forest Hill
+ You get a free bowling shirt!!!!!! Very nice one this year ...

Into Week 10 ...

Top female series goes to Annie Ha, our female Dunn Shield rep :D
Top male series goes to Leigh Saunders

Taking out the bowler of the week is Peter Allen

Lucky me I still got some handicap for my sore wrist :p
Unexpectedly our Sandbagger of the league is also the Bowler of the week none other than Peter Allen. Congratulations Peter. Are you sharing Krispies with us?
Thanks to our President, Alex for getting a sponsor for our shirts. One of many things Alex and Judy have done for the league. Their support is greatly appreciated.


what can I say about TEAM ODD....They excelled tonight.....go peter don't forget to keep a bit of your handicap
Team Odd = Team Fantastico!!
All three started with a turkey. Peter xxx,Kerry xxx and Brenden xxx.
This is also Peter's first 200 game at Forest Hill. Well done mate. But you lost the donuts again and this time to our Hack, Vi Huynh :p

XXXXXXXXXX7/= 287. That's what Vi Huynh bowled last night. So unlucky. Better luck next time champ. Good to see you back in form after struggling with your injury.
Jordan Bunphim,our young "Belmo" bowled way above his average to get our Bowler of the Week Award. A box of juicy Krispy Kreme Donuts :cool:
Another 700 series to Leigh Saunder. Well bowled guys.
Team to beat this round, Show Me The Money & Never Surrender.
Have a great week.
Our pleasure Jim. Hope you are feeling better mate.
A big congrat goes to Alice Chiah who not only bowled her highest game ever of 226 but also kicked my ass big time :D
Well done Alice.
Awesome! Welcome back Ryan :D. Saw your scores ... very nice! I reckon you should get KK ;)[/QUOTE

It's always been and always be KK Donuts mate!!
We have been advised that more bowlers will be joining us next year.

Some nice games last night by Rebekah Puleo,Jordan Bunphim and Manville Jansen.
Chung got his game by one pin!
Team "Show Me The Money" this round I think.

This year's Presentation/Dinner at Doncaster Hotel.
Have a great week.

Since Krispy Kreme is shutting down most of their shops, it's Jenny Craig vouchers for next year :p
A big thank you to the two new teams that's coming to support our league next round.

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