So many issues arising from this topic it's hard to know where to start.
Was discussing this at length over dinner last night with my husband who is a 15 year veteran AMF employee and here are a few things we came up with:
1. I commented on the fact that interstaters that may have had non-refundable airline tickets would be spewing at this decision - great to see that everyone was contacted in (hopefully) a professional manner and had options offered for this problem. Congratulations to Warren and his tournament team.
2. Problems with tournament bowling - well these are many and varied but it goes without saying that it is a two way street, not only does a bowler need incentive and some attraction to spend their cash to bowl, the centre also needs to see some benefit from holding a tournament. Strange to say that I know but both sides have to be happy.
I May be preaching to the choir here but some may not know that DESPITE the appearance, most if not all centres LOSE money by holding a tournament (AMF or private) in comparison to a normal weekend of social play. Now before everyone jumps in by saying bah humbug not on your life, the upshot of this discussion was maybe offer some economic advice to those proprieters and managers and make them realise that ONE weekend out of the year (for those that only hold one tourney in a year) is not going to kill them financially, they have the rest of the year to cover their overheads with whatever social play schemes they choose.
If there is some support from the bowlers to support each tournament as best they can, then hopefully centres may come to the party to drop game prices to boost prize fund for the lower placegetters.
What would be a better incentive to those who feel they are "donaters" than to have a better than expected weekend, come 40th and still walk away with a little cash in their back pocket. So what if it hasn't covered their costs, but hey, it's something. And yes, maybe other centres CAN take a leaf out of Simon's team at Ed Fleming lanes and offer a few little extras for ALL competitors. It can be the small things that make the difference between no one wanting to come back next year to telling all their mates about the great time they had and how it was well worth the money to travel to bowl.
Last but not least schedules, and this is the killer because (shock horror) it involves communication between TBA and ALL the different state governing bodies and their respective grand prix organisers. If people talked late at the end of the year to work out who is doing what and when, then posting the FULL calender (with to be confirmed dates/venues if necessary) somewhere central may become a viable option. People can then be informed and start planning their calender accordingly. Now you may not get EVERY bowler to EVERY event, but it would be a great start....
That's it from me, sorry for the long post, but hope it got a few minds working and feel free to pull me up on any points that I am incorrect on (especially the centre proprieters...)
later guys..