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If they changed the name it would be called AMF Strikezone
thats the only way the can change it. who cares really before it changed strikezone was good to me when i was there nice staff and the had pool table there so when i got bored i just played pool so strikezone is good and will be the same forever just a few different faces hope it dosen't change that much by the time i'm there next yr at Adult Nationals see u then strikezone.

Chris C
Go Vics
it isn't the same but
you can't even buy bottled coke and stuff
the prices have changed and there are heaps of games machines there now
its good to have a game of pool sometimes and a game of the games but it just looks scrappy
Strikezone is a ditch, heck I almost bowled a 300 there so it must be a ditch and Frawls sold it becasue of more personal reasons then a coaching job in Kuwait... :?
it isn't the same but
you can't even buy bottled coke and stuff
the prices have changed and there are heaps of games machines there now
its good to have a game of pool sometimes and a game of the games but it just looks scrappy
Listen, Ive already told you to stop complaining, nothing can be done to stop it and all the whinging wont help it either.
You only bowl there, I bowl and work there...if anyone is to compalin it would be those of us that work there because we now have to learn new ways to do EVERYTHING...but none of us are complaining...we just grin and bear it :)

Strikezone is a ditch, heck I almost bowled a 300 there so it must be a ditch and Frawls sold it becasue of more personal reasons then a coaching job in Kuwait...
Lots of people have been close to 300 at Strikezone, unless its just your particular style that makes the place looked ditched.
And lets go into detail about why 'The Man' sold it...
JeN_JeN said:
Guys, quit complaining.
It is STILL Strikezone, we are just owned by a different group of people ok? If you dont like it well then leave.
Simple as that
I LOVE Strikezone, but i don't like AMF. Nothing much has changed really. I still love to bowl at Strikezone and always will. Nuff said. :wink:
01kay said:
Strikezone is a ditch, heck I almost bowled a 300 there so it must be a ditch and Frawls sold it becasue of more personal reasons then a coaching job in Kuwait... :?
Strikezone a ditch??? Strikezone rocks. Besides, they have changed the oiling patterns a bit now so that there is a tougher shot. :?
i think its alittle unfair how your jumpin at him when his just trying to hav a conversation :evil:
The only thing that has changed at strikezone is the pricing, which hasnt changed as much as people thought it would.
As for why Frawls sold the company, what does it matter, he had his reasons. Alot of you are forgetting that Frawls wasnt the only owner of the bowl. There were 4 co-owners of Strikezone and all of them had an input into the sale, dont forget that
i dont know all that much on this matter i only bowl there
as long as the lanes are the same its ok with me :p :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Jen-Jen, I feel for you, I know what your going through. AMF creates all this extra paperwork, just to make the people at Head Office have less work. Of course all the paperwork is duplicated many times over, because nobody, in the Head Office, has taken the time to simplify things.
But AMF since being sold may be a good thing, perhaps they will market thier product better, may even decrease thier prices( LOL). May even simplify thier paperwork.
Good luck in the future.
AMF will have paid a fair sum of money as part of their deal, to buy the name "StrikeZone" as I'm sure the "good will" related to it would be worth it.
Eg Would you want to fork out an extra $50k for a business to get it's name & then just drop it? :p
As this post seems to show, there's quite a stigma around the "StrikeZone" name, regardless of who owns it.

As far as Strikezone changing, it's barely changed at all. The management & staff are just as good as before & the games are arguably better. I will give you the point that the post mix is crap, it sucks you can't buy bottles of drink :p.

And Rowan, you are high if you think the lanes at Strikezone are harder. If anything, they remind me a lot of Junior Nationals, which were stupidly easy, as the scoring dictated, but I 'spose you whinged about the lanes then, so it's no surprise you'd whinge now.

I agree with Jen, this just sounds more like whinging than an interesting post. BTW, could you try & be a little more specific with your original topic next time, "STRIKEZONE or AMF" leaves a lot of scope for what you're asking. Would even a question mark be too much to ask??????????????????????????????????

P.s. You can borrow one of mine if you want ;)
*rowey* said:
01kay said:
Strikezone is a ditch, heck I almost bowled a 300 there so it must be a ditch and Frawls sold it becasue of more personal reasons then a coaching job in Kuwait... :?
Strikezone a ditch??? Strikezone rocks. Besides, they have changed the oiling patterns a bit now so that there is a tougher shot. :?

Rowan, Im quite sure he means ditch as in a ditch to the pocket, a very easy scoring centre. Not a bad centre.
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