State Of Origin


Melissa Rogers
Well seeing no one has started a thread about that best series that footy has every year. I WILL! Who do you think is going to win the first game of the series??

I put all my money on QUEENSLAND!!!! of course!!!
What a team, we have picked!!!
Blues stand no chance!

3 Sleeps 2 Go!!
MJ said:
about that best series that footy has every year.

The best series Rugby League has is State of Origin? Most likely, easily better then its, dare I say it... 'World Cup' ('World' term used loosely)
NSW will win... same as every year. Surely this State of Origin gets boring after the first 10 minutes doesn't it???

Later Da Cowman!
yeah world is good and i love that, but to me origin is way better, there is just something about it, that makes it better, well im my opinion cow!

And no it doesnt get boring after 10 minutes
it has to be QLD. im not even from qld but its where im meant to be.
tonights the night!

Yay It Has Finally Arrived, The Big Day, Cant Wait!!!!!!!!!!!

What happened last year? Did NSW win or something? Thats right they did. Fitlers' boys never gave em' a chance! Just wait til' Buderus' boys rip into you!


Rowey :p
sorry by brother go on my computer and posted that go nsw, here's mine.

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