it is a good idea mate the hard part is getting the numbers to make it wirth while for the centre (which ever one you chose) to hold it and make money.What needs to be done in order to get a gold coast championship up and running. At any center willing to hold it. I will try and talk to reps between all centers, well, centers that I have contact with. I don't mind when/where, I'd just like it to happen.
While I'm on a thead that has some association topics on it, I have to ask; has the gold coasts association team been picked yet?
that has been the problem in the pasplus finding a weekend or 2 when nothing else is on. we are spoilt for choice for tournaments these days and finding a free weekend is hard with out clashes and losing bowlers to other comittments.
how ever if you do manage to get it going and i am free i will gladly bowl in the gold coast area championships.