Squad Listing Columbia300 Youth Cup

Can we see if we can get this tournament ranked since they where able to get the one in canberra national ranked and that 2 weeks away so can the organisers try and get this one to be ranked event aswell.

Cheers Chris
Chris Canberra was organised to be ranked last year, when the cancelled Youth Series was put together. Unfortunately this tournament will not be ranked until next year. Next week I will be releasing the NEW entry form for this event, which im sure will compensate for it not being Nationally ranked.
Hi Glen,

Please add Matt O'Brien & Carly Allen to A squad.


Hi could you please take Jason May off the list as i am unable to bowl now due to eccc roll offs thanks
Hi All,

Please see attached the updated Entry Form for the upcoming Columbia300 Youth Cup. I have applied for National ranking points will post an update that as soon as I hear back from TBA.
I apologize but due to injury i cannot attend the tournament

Shannon Miller
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