Sport Series Clinic


Hi Everyone,

Thanks to those that responded to the Sport Series Clinic.

In light of the many personal emails I received regarding this clinic, I have organised a flyer (attached to this post) for the clinic to be held on August 25, 2007 at Oz Tenpin Altona (the site of the next Sport Series tournament).

Get your deposit in today and improve your chances of being a competitor in ALL sport series tournaments.

Please email me at if you have any questions or comments about additional topics you would like incorporated in the clinic.

Dr. Chris (Coordinator of Mentone Sport Bowling League)


  • 2007 August Sport Series Clinic FV.pdf
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Hi everyone,

Considering there are only 10 spots left to enroll in this workshop, I thought I'd organise a more specific agenda.

Sport Series Workshop Agenda

9am – 11am
Paint the picture: Reading the oil pattern and adjustments
(2 games of bowling)

11am – 11:30am
“I didn’t get robbed?” Using the pins as your friend
(1 game of bowling and discussion)

11:30am – 12:30pm
Patience is a virtue: Maintaining composure when sport patterns are frustrating (2 games bowling and discussions)

12:30pm – 1pm

1pm – 3pm
Good match-up: Scoring effectively with good ball selection and reaction
Equipment surface is everything (or at least 70% of reaction): Ball surface adjustments to combat sport series oil patterns. (2 games of bowling and discussion)
(This session will also include one-on-one consultations to optimise equipment surface preparation for the Sport Series Tournament on August 26)

3pm – 3:30pm
Question and Answer

3:30pm – 5pm
Flexible timeslot in which individual coaching or bowling psychology can be discussed

Note: All times are flexible and will be adjusted according to desire and demand for more (or less) information.

Don’t pass up this opportunity to learn from one of the leading experts of bowling psychology in the world who has written professional book reviews analysing and debating current bowling psychology books.

You can learn from bowling in tournaments, but it takes longer and costs more (over the long-term)!

Dr. Chris
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