The squad dates & times are as follows for SPC 2009 @ Castle Hill Bowl
Squad 1 11th September 9.45am $120.00 n/a
Squad 2 11th September 12.30am $160.00 $90.00
Squad 3 11th September 3.15pm $160.00 $90.00
Squad 4 12th September 8.45am $160.00 $90.00
Squad 5 12th September 11.30am $180.00 $90.00
Squad 6 12th September 2.15pm $180.00 $90.00
Squad 7 12th September 5.00pm $180.00 $90.00
That's the squad times.
Is there a list of entries made to this event anywhere. I would hate to travell there and find that they only have 50 entries.