Someone uses score calculators for the iPhone?


New Member

Can anyone share your experience using the programs to calculate results for Bowling for iPhone?
I look to the program Perfect Game. Does anyone use it? What are your impressions?

Maybe there are similar programs for the iPhone? I would like to see work with balls, good stats and usability.
I didn't think it was that hard to figure out your score... I generally look at frame 5, then 8. 50 in the 5th meaning strike out for 200, 140 in the 8th meaning strike out for 200, not that hard lol
I don't use it for projected 1 game scoring. The one I have tracks stats across every game you input and can show you things like strike percentage, spare coversion percentages, split conversion rates, average strikes per game, average 10th frame scoring, how many times you left a particular single pin standing etc etc. I find it a very useful tool in tracking what needs to be worked on for my game.
I bought the Perfect Game, and I hasten to share my first impressions. Entering the results can be different ways: overall score, the number of pins, pins by number, boards, balls. Nothing complicated and new.
But the analysis is very powerful. You can create your own dynamically list of games and only analyze them. Something similar to Smart Playlists for iTunes.
It is interesting to work with balls, you can photograph them and cut straight program. I think that is very convenient.

While I was happy with the program :D
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