New Member
I think I must have been asleep the first 2 games tonight. During practise, I thought my release was off, since my Nemesis was rolling dead straight, and the Goliath was being all weird. It took me until game 3 to wake up and go "oh hell, they're burning up 5cm down the lane, no wonder!" and switch balls. Oops. Lesson learned, I think 
Er, are there any coaches floating around in the northern-ish suburbs of Adelaide? I bowl at Elizabeth, Salisbury and Village, and that's about as far as I want to be travelling (40+ minutes to Norwood/Woodville!). I could really use some coaching, but having a bit of trouble finding one who a) will coach me, and b) has an available time that matches up with mine. Please, save the walruses and help meee.
Er, are there any coaches floating around in the northern-ish suburbs of Adelaide? I bowl at Elizabeth, Salisbury and Village, and that's about as far as I want to be travelling (40+ minutes to Norwood/Woodville!). I could really use some coaching, but having a bit of trouble finding one who a) will coach me, and b) has an available time that matches up with mine. Please, save the walruses and help meee.