silliest reaction to frustration

i remember when n. mcnamara wait too much info nathan. m put a hole through the wall then pushed his couch over, then he got kicked out of hi rollers, good times.
One of my team mates last year missed a spare and came back and kicked the ball return out of frustration (he had missed a few that night!). Instead of just nicking the edge of the ball return with his shoe, he hit it fair and square on the end of his big toe. He was supposed to bowl a skins the following night but he pulled out as he couldn't walk!!!!

:lol: How we laughed!!!! :lol:
Playa said:
harley said:
ome of these are ABSOLUTE CLASSICS.Id have to say my fav so far i cant go past flopping out the old fellla at the pins,i just cant believe someone would do that :lol: :lol: :lol: .Anywayz keep posting guyz these are funny as :p .........

later :twisted:

Yeah, Googsie is my cousin and knowing him he would do all that sort of stuff. There are many great and memorable stories about The Googs but most aren't suitable for a public forum. Moonah bowlers know what I'm talking about :twisted:


Ohhh yeah! One of my favourites was bowling against "Slug" in a post bowled league match. Smashed the pocket and left a 10pin.

Walking back he just eyed the ball return and kept walking.... then stopped, eyed it up and down again, got down on one knee, and unleashed the best right cross ever. Ali would have been proud.
i remember when n. mcnamara wait too much info nathan. m put a hole through the wall then pushed his couch over, then he got kicked out of hi rollers, good times

Do you mean his coach??? lol.
I remember when Brad Coleman punched a hole in the wall at Strikezone (the plaster wall next to lane 1, not the concrete wall next to lane 24 for those of you who are wondering!)...that was one big hole...hahaha
One time I was so frustrated that I missed the 10th frame I threw my bowling ball into a brick wall.

Unknown to me, we actually still won the game and all the points that night. The good thing about that was my Bro. worked down the back that night and is a wizard with fixing and resurfacing bowling balls, so he fixed it that night ready to use next week.

I would have fixed it myself but I don't have much time to fix bowling balls when I work.

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