Senior Shield 2009


We'll see how you go when you turn up for the skins.

I've asked for confirmation that the new lanes would be down before the event but was told that they could not be certain.

The event was extremely tough. Would have been okay if it was tough but consistant, but it was not.

Even I turned the ball (sometimes) from one side of the lanes to the other.

I don't think you would even been able to hold the lanes they were and then we would be linked to that other thread about eqipment abuse..

Just a reply about the ball,like I said to the owner of the 10 year old ball if it wasnt under size it would of never of come of the track that was why the ball behind came off,the only ball to have trouble was that ball.
David you of all people having bowled here so much know how they are and if the contractor cant give us an exact date and how can we give you one.
Rob as you did not leave till today to go home how have you been able to do all that work to all those balls before you posted 5hrs ago like on your motto FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO NOT WHAT YOU CANT.Travis a good sportsman walk out of a comp would you ONYA MATE.

How can you expect people to pay good money for the skins, along with accomodation and expenses, when you cannot give the bowlers an idea of what they are bowling on.

I understand that if the contractor cannot give you a date for laying the new synthetics, you cannot give me one.

I simply asked the question about whether they would be down in the next 2 months. If that cannot be given then I was not able to give my guarantee that I would be able to come to the skins.

The new lanes would certainly make a difference to the playing conditions.

I was not trying to be difficult.
HA, Senior shield is just a reunion of Ex C/C bowlers not good enough to continue in the MAIN GAME anymore, bunch of wrinkely old farts!:p
I hope Andrew Craig doesnt read this thing! The rest of you are past it, give up, go home drink some tea and take a nap or something!
Chandler you shouldnt be far off this comp would you?

gees motta, get with the program, i don't bowl anymore

the only reason i come on here now, is to bait you ;)
Rob as you did not leave till today to go home how have you been able to do all that work to all those balls before you posted 5hrs ago like on your motto FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO NOT WHAT YOU CANT.

Manny, before you go quoting me and having a go, you must check the facts.
1. I was not at Senior Shield.
2. Our bowlers arrived home yesterday at around 2.30pm, so posting at 3.26pm???
3. When a bowler walks in with a $300+ bowling ball that is less than 3 weeks old and is in need of a full resurface then I think that I should fix it for him.
4. I stated "when you have to resurface 11 balls", not that I had done them already.

Our guy's said they had a good weekend but they are just disappointed with the way the gear tracked up so badly over the weekend. Looking at their gear I am sure lots of other ball would have gone home in the same condition.

And as far as my motto goes, I use it all the time.

Thanks for clearing that up and I dare say that any wood lane is going to do that to new balls that are not designed for those conditions.
And I was not having a go,not with you anyway.
Thanks for the positive as well not much of that around after the all the effort before and during the weekend.

We'll see how you go when you turn up for the skins.
I wont be there now, Bucks night and all!

I've asked for confirmation that the new lanes would be down before the event but was told that they could not be certain.

The event was extremely tough. Would have been okay if it was tough but consistant, but it was not.

Even I turned the ball (sometimes) from one side of the lanes to the other.
Dont lie, i dont believe you anyway!

I don't think you would even been able to hold the lanes they were and then we would be linked to that other thread about eqipment abuse..
Already linked to 'that' thread in a big way!


gees motta, get with the program, i don't bowl anymore

the only reason i come on here now, is to bait you ;)

I know your out of the game, i was just trying to work out why (apart from being scared!) so I put it down to the fact you need a rest B4 taking on the seniors circuit.............
to be honest, i just dont enjoy it anymore

although i have snuck out for a couple of cameo's

fyi, i could still kick your a$$ blind folded

my average is higher than your highest game you have bowled this year ;)
For all interested I have posted the final standing sheets below.

Apologies for the poor quality, scanned photocopies dont make for great quality.



  • Senior Shield 2008 - Ladies.pdf
    336.9 KB · Views: 75
  • Senior Shield 2008 - Men.pdf
    346.8 KB · Views: 97
to be honest, i just dont enjoy it anymore

although i have snuck out for a couple of cameo's

fyi, i could still kick your a$$ blind folded

my average is higher than your highest game you have bowled this year ;)

You meen to tell me your averaging over 174! Very impressive:p
I havent quite made the 175 club this year, hopefully soon as i want the patch i have paid my sanction fee's for, ohhh thats right I still have to pay for awards this year, silly me!

For all the dead heads out there, this is a sarcastic reply!
barry glack
some old farts in nz would like to know
results for senior shield, could you post some please
excuse me if i'm wrong i was looking for information for this years upcoming Senior shield to get this about last years event in wodonga that is labelled Senior Shield 2009..... wasn't that 2008???
hey robyn,

yes you are right, Senior Shield is being held in Warrnambool 2009, we at Bendigo were initially told the dates were the 7/8 th November and now we discover it is being held on the 21/22 November which is the weekend prior to Emerson roll off. Don`t know wot went on there, its a long way to go for a few games. Hopefully you guys can field a team.
Tracey Farky :confused::confused:
Senior Shield dates have not changed they are as first stated Warrnambool
Nov. 7&8


Thanks for clarifying the dates, the BTBA have been handing out information/qualifying sheets with the dates for the final being the 21/22nd November. Will get on to that and change the dates asap.

Tracey :)
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