Sean Vettiger 836 :)


New Member
I just heard that Sean bowled 836 for 3 games tonight at Sunset Superbowl. :)

His games were 279, 278, 279 with a total of 31 out of 36 strikes.
what an awesome effort.

:) great work!!!!
I just heard that Sean bowled 836 for 3 games tonight at Sunset Superbowl. :)

His games were 279, 278, 279 with a total of 31 out of 36 strikes.
what an awesome effort.

:) great work!!!!

9/ 9/ to start off then bag out or a X 9/ to start then strike to last shot then a 8 or 9 for a 278 or 279 or a 9- then 10 strikes and a 8 or a 9 to finish. That would explain 4 of the 5 strikes not picked up
actually i went pocket 7 10 got 1 then bagged out for 279.
2nd game front 5 (16 in a row :) ) 10 pin spare struck out to the last one then left a 7 pin. 278
3rd game front 9 10 pin spare strike 279.
5 strikes missed were 1st frame 1st game, 6th frame and 12th shot 2nd game and the 10the and 11th shot in the 3rd game
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