I will probably get flamed for this but, oh well.
I will start by saying that I'm sure Belmo didn't intentionally pop the bottle. The few times I have bowled with and against Jason, he has been nothing short of professional in every way, even during the fun that can be had during Rachuigs (never thanked him for allowing me to take the only full point he lost in 2005

), and has helped promote the sport not only in this country, but across the 4 corners of the globe.
HOWEVER... after watching all the videos available of "Bottlegate", when it was brought to his attention in that match against Angelo that the bottle pops, cracks ect, why would he continue to pick it up while other players are preparing for their shots. The PBA set is very quiet. In the videos, you can even hear the turret belts whining on the machines. Any little sound could possibly be off putting. Constant sound isn't a problem like in league and qualifying, but a sudden noise when everything is quiet stands out.
If it were me, I'd be making sure that I didn't have that bottle any where near me while other players are preparing or up on the approach.
Again, I'm sure Belmo didn't intentionally play with the bottle, but it may be time to look into a Belmo/Storm branded sipper, or be more careful.
As for Rash's reaction, the guy is a tool. Totally lacked class. and I hope the PBA fined him ****loads. But, from now on, in the upcoming season the PBA will probably promote the crap out of it for ratings values if they ever go head to head on TV again.
Flame-retardant suit is now on