Okay its a bit late, but better late than never right?? For your pleasure the results from the Woodville event of the SAJYC!! Great to see a good turn out again this event and lets hope it continues for the next event in a few weeks time at Elizabeth. Congrats to Conor again coming home with the goods in the Junior Boys 2/2 not bad. Madeline made a star of herself out bowling Sarah in the final match and taking home the money and likewise Chris was not frightened by the 244 qualifying average of his opponent to take the event out for the day.
Don't forget the next event is at Elizabeth on the 28th June and I will send all registered bowlers the link for nomination for this event. If you wish to join the fun that is the circuit dont hesitate send me an email sajyc300@hotmail.com and I will be happy to explain the tournament and the registration process to you.
Thanks again
Dion Alexander
Don't forget the next event is at Elizabeth on the 28th June and I will send all registered bowlers the link for nomination for this event. If you wish to join the fun that is the circuit dont hesitate send me an email sajyc300@hotmail.com and I will be happy to explain the tournament and the registration process to you.
Thanks again
Dion Alexander