I know who you are Gazzy Baby, I don't see why the big secret in revealing who you are though? :? :? :?
At the rate its going we are going to have to offer a free ball for the first person to guess Gazzys real identity! :lol: I havn't seen this much interest generated on the forum since the day that someone stole the wheels of Hammers spring roll delivery rickshaw!
As for Mr Dale Stewart, or should i say Mr Magoo! I was sitting right in front of you when you walked in and shook Jases hand yesterday you goose! I winked at you but couldn't talk cause i was on the phone! But the fact that you didn't notice me is probably because you and i have only met once before and you probably forgot what i look like, but at least you didn't forget to throw in a rumour that you heard that i can't spare! :twisted: Given that i have only bowled with you once and that was at Milton and it was one of those rare days that i didn't need to spare :wink: :lol: , you must have been hanging with the trendy crowd to get the low down on my spare game! :lol: No, no, i take that all back! AS IF ANY BOWLERS WOULD TALK ABOUT OTHER BOWLERS AND START RUMOURS ABOUT THEM WHILST THEY ARN'T THERE! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
But seriously i can't spare very well so when you have got a free moment out of your hectic schedule can you possibly find the time to bring your perfect game with you and give me some pointers oh great one? I would really appreciate the assistance of a bowler of your calibre! Oh hang on for a second! Do you know how to spare? Do you guys even need to spare out at Milton? =D> :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
OH well there you go, i have had my fun dig back for the morning, now here come the spare jokes thanks Dale! :wink:
PS Dale open your eyes next time your talking to Jase im the head on the right, and yes Spanner it is cute isn't it, we just thought we would post together whilst i was around there returning the undies i borrowed off him on the weekend! :wink: While we are talking about undies Chucky just rung me and asked if you could possibly return the ones that you stole off his clothes line?
PS I still think Gazzy is really Carl Bottomley, who else would talk about him like that but himself? :wink:
Got to rush off Dales here for some spare training!

(Very sore point Dale :wink: all good mate!)