Research/ Sport Series


Hi Everyone,
After talking with Dillan De Mather (tournament director) and Steve Arundell (at Mentone bowl), I am pleased to announce that I will be continuing my research into bowling, especially into Sport bowling (see flyer attached).
Similar to the research tournament I conducted at Mentone bowl a couple weeks ago, I will be collecting data at Mentone bowl during the Sport series tournament. This research is open to the first 25 people that sign up because that is all the funding I have left from the University of Ballarat. So here is the information.
  1. Those that did NOT participate in the 2008 University of Ballarat Research tournament can participate in this research.
  2. You will receive 5 games of bowling FREE on the saturday before the sport series tournament (on the tournament pattern being laid down for the sport series tournament on Sunday)
  3. You will have to complete questionnaires prior to the practice session and prior to the tournament.
Also, if more people sign up for the research, there may be potential for me to add some money to the prize fund.
Please sign up using this forum, you can also PM me, email me at, or call me on 5327 6136.
Dr. Chris


  • 2008 Sport series ad.doc
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Thanks for those that have signed up thus far...

A squad is as follows so far
Craig O'toole
James Coburn

Simon, you are not able to participate in this research because you already took part in the 2008 Research tournament... Please see point 1 of my post.

Please keep your eyes open to this post prior to the tournament in case there are any changes to the squad times.

Dr. Chris
Craig and James (and others),

Due to the fact that only Craig and James have signed up for this research, this has been cancelled due to low numbers.

Thanks for your interest and I'll see you at the tournament on Sunday.

Dr. Chris
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