Rachuig Nationals


Elite Athlete
Well once again it was run and won ,althou with lots of gossip.
To our boys I Know they did the best they could do with what they had, but I am sure a impression was made by some of the other teams they played, some good And some bad. To the organisers that wanted to do a ball weighing inspection half way thru a game against Qld. men's team, I do find that gossip a bit hard to believe that it would have happened knowing how professional the aust body is. And to the Qld mens team especially 1 of of them I find it hard to beleive he could be such a wanker about all this. It's good to see the so friendly sportmansship still exists in this game...................not

Good on ya all!!!
ball checks

Hey there Tony interesting post. I can only tell you what i heard first hand off one of the partys involved in the ball checking and that is, that is is true that ball was pulled of the rack during the game and it was found legal and that the oppposite party was warned.
I believe a complaint was lodged with TBA after the tournament had finished regarding the attitude of a leading Queensland bowler. I am also informed that the complaint was dismissed as the person who lodged that complaint did not bother to protest to the tournament director at the time. To the person who made the complaint, what did you want TBA to do - send him a yellow card through the post?
Yes, the ball was pulled after frame 4 & weighed. Yes the ball was found legal. The ball had already been given the OK to use by TBA after being checked at Box Hill earlier in the week.
I spoke to Peter Coburn personally during the game in question
and he informed me that it he already knew about the verbal abuse from 1 of the leading Sth Qld bowlers.
Also, get your facts straight. You have 72 hrs from the conclusion of the days play to submit your protest in writing.
And believe me there has been quite a few e-mails & faxes sent prior to the 16:45, 72 hr deadline today.
There was one bowler at the Nationals this year that was on a yellow card for the entire nationals for alleged indiscretions last year. So I suppose A yellow card in the post would'nt be out of the question.[/i]
If it makes you happy we'll send him a card direct from the Qld State office. I'm sure we've got some somewhere.
May i ask who was the Queensland Bowler in Question????, and does this bowler have the right to check other peoples balls during the game, shouldnt it happen after the game????
I'm not going to name names Hammer but how many left handed bowlers are there in the Sth Qld team. And as Strop put it, he was'nt the only wanker involved from that team.
CHIN said:
I'm not going to name names Hammer but how many left handed bowlers are there in the Sth Qld team. And as Strop put it, he was'nt the only wanker involved from that team.

Your not going to name names but then mention what hand he bowls. looks like their not the only wankers around.

you might as well said his name.
Not sure if we are able to name people on this, but if it is not allowed then I am sure you won't be reading this........Andrew if you not smart enough to realise who it was the let me help you. His first name is george (I'm sorry this system wont allow me to write in crayon), and I'm sure if you had a three bagger thrown at you , you would want to have there balls checked, not to mention you team mates helping you in slandering the opposition. No need for it, and they wonder why people don't bother to bowl in this great event.
Obviously you cant pick up on sarcasm. and i need to spell it out for you.

I did know who it was from the previous post. Because anybody with commonsense knows there was only one lefthander in the STH QLD Mens team and who it was. So why didnt he just say his name.

Thats the obvious point i was making.
So strop you'll have everyone believe that no slandering or abuse happens in Rachuig? hahahah

When someone starts the game with 3 brooklyns at me and rides them in my face and tells me how good they were I have no right to reply?

I bowl to win and when someone hurls abuse at me, they can expect it back, 3 fold... You'll also find that my fellow team members react to abuse as well.

As for the ball, I weighed it and it was over, when you have to take the ball to 3 different bowling centres just to justify its legality it raises some questions. The complaint was made prior to the game, it's not my fault it took until the 4th frame to check the ball.

I've spoken to Tavis and Robert about this incident and everything has been sorted out. If you want to continue it on a public forum, go for it. Probably explains why I narrowly missed the Sportsman award
Narrowly missed the sportspersons award hey.. can't see how THAT would happen??? Did you demand a re-count??

Nice work by all men involved in making the other bowlers out there REALLY want to participate in an event where such childishness prevails..

Sledging is one thing but this is a joke.
At least George doesn't hide behind a user name. If you're going to rubbish someone wrex have the guts to say who you are.
Sounds to me like a bit of "Sore Loser Syndrome". Maybe Andrew instead of sending out yellow cards, we should be sending out boxes of tissues.

Slandering is and always will be a part of sport. As they say what is said on the field stays on the field. GET OVER IT!!!
The card's actually gone now Sean. We couldn't find a proper yellow one after all so we sent an alternative. It's very nice, it's got 2 little dolphins on the front and a short message inside telling George how seriously we view this matter. I'm sure he will be suitably impressed.
CHIN said:
I'm not going to name names Hammer but how many left handed bowlers are there in the Sth Qld team. And as Strop put it, he was'nt the only wanker involved from that team.

Well, Well, Well

If your name is George I think it’s only the depth that varies!

The other wanker you seem to be referring to is me so I would appreciate that you call me by my first name as well.

I see no problem in having a bit of fun on the lanes from what I was informed that was all pretty tame to how it used to be played. I mean what other league or tournament can you scratch your nuts, and scream at the top of you voice COME ON!!!!! To the opposition.

I see it this as all swings and merry-go-rounds.

Correct me if I am wrong but I remember scoops riding a shot 4 lanes on me and got in our face a little, but you didn’t see me, our team, or our captain for that matter crying outside in the shopping centre.

SA Men’s team cop it on the Chin and maybe next year you might not need the tissues because you didn’t finish last!

As for the ball drilling we didn’t ask for it to be weighed there and then it was something that was bought up before the tournament began. From what I was led to believe the ball must have been border line for people needing to weigh it. You think if the boot was on the other foot that it would be any different?

I don’t think so!!!!!

Jase the other Sth QLD wanker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Jas from what i remember it was almost 5 lanes lol but cant recall getting in ur face.............. maybe me ole George Pontoon (Who never throws 7)
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