Shoey and others talking about keeping the Elite Juniors in the Game. Here's the Facts of Life, when they reach the Adult status and are earning thier own Money, they always find other things to spend it on, Cars, Girls, Drink, its all good when Mommy and Daddy are spending thier Precious Mullah but when the real world hits they always disappear from the Game. This I have observed over 40 years, the only time I seen a follow through of Juniors was when the age was increased to 21, than we had the likes of Fred Alsopp and a few Bowlers of his Generation come through.
So the Bottom line is, the Game is too Expensive!
understand completely, mum and dad earning full wages. son or daughter start working, minimum hourly rate wages needs stuff to start life of their own, somethings got to give and unfortunately its the expensive sport. Fred Alsopp is a classic example of the sport pricing an absolute champion out of the game.
good point Willey