Queensland Rachuig Team


Rodentus scientificus
With some of the negativity that has been floating around, I just want to make something perfectly clear.

I am both immensely proud to have made the team, and I have absolute faith in each and every one of my team mates abilities, passion and desire. And when I am sitting out, I am confident that I will be doing so enjoying a coffee and the sight of five of my team mates belting whoever happens to be in their way at the time.

That is all.
if rachuig was bowled on a thursday night youd be making the lattes and george would be serving us toast heehee well said mate otty
With some of the negativity that has been floating around, I just want to make something perfectly clear.

I am both immensely proud to have made the team, and I have absolute faith in each and every one of my team mates abilities, passion and desire. And when I am sitting out, I am confident that I will be doing so enjoying a coffee and the sight of five of my team mates belting whoever happens to be in their way at the time.

That is all.

you mightn't sleep for a week, drinking that many coffee's :p

well done mate, good to see you made it, now make the most of it
you mightn't sleep for a week, drinking that many coffee's :p

well done mate, good to see you made it, now make the most of it

Don't worry about Robbie....He has his game plan. He'll sit out till 11am, at which point Robbie morphs into a "Rachuig God"
The process has had it's knockers, but one thing for sure is that just like Queensland has an embarrassment of riches in the fullback position in rugby league, we have the same situation with bowlers. I am 99.9% sure that BOTH our teams will feature in the top four placings this year. We could probably field four teams that have the potential to win Rachuig.

I for one am very happy that TBAQ have seen a need for the process to be revised and I commend them for the effort. To say that it was the right way to go about it, only time will tell, but one thing for sure will be that it will be revised and refined to be better each year. No process is perfect, nor is any one person, but at least an effort has been made.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate both teams and offer my support in any way possible. We all have one commonality - the passion for our game, and we need to use that passion for the betterment of our great sport. Our little centre in Innisfail will be right behind you guys all the way.

Well it’s been a week since the conclusion of Rachuig roll-offs, and nearly a week, since the teams were posted. In that time I have experienced a range of emotions from pride and excitement, to anger, dismay and extreme frustration. In that time I have done a lot of thinking and soul searching.

First let me say that words cannot express how proud I am to be selected to represent the great State of Queensland in what is still the premier teams event in Australia. There have been some unbelievably talented people who have gone before me, and my one hope is that I can use every ounce of talent that God gave me to do the Queensland Shirt and the people of Queensland proud.

Last year I was selected for the Queensland team but was struck down with a serious illness which caused me to withdraw from the team, and apart from being gutted I felt that something had been stolen from me. So I made a pledge to myself before the 2009 roll-off that nothing short of death was going to keep me out of the team.

Thanks to two great days of bowling, some great lanes/conditions and my fair share of luck and good carry I managed to bowl numbers that exceeded my wildest expectations, and that I will possibly never bowl again. To say I was proud (in a non big headed way) is an understatement. But don’t worry I know I’m not a 250 average bowler.

So imagine my disappointment, anger and sheer frustration when the teams were announced to see some of the disparaging and down right thoughtless comments and thinly veiled insinuations made on here regarding myself and other members of the two Queensland teams.

First let me say that Morty, Hammo, Otty and a couple of others who were disappointed at the outcome of the selections showed what truly classy people they are by copping it on the chin and dealing with their disappointment in private. The true test of a persons qualities is not how they deal with success, but rather how they handle adversity. These guys showed what true champions they are, on and off the lanes.

I wonder if any of the people making negative comments in public about team selections, actually stopped and thought about the people in the teams and how some of this stuff would make them feel. The people in the teams weren’t selectors, all they did was nominate, bowl to the best of their abilities to showcase themselves in front of the selectors and were ultimately selected. How is that their fault? So why should they have to be subjected to some of the crap that has been dished up over the last week?

The really funny thing is that some of the people criticizing team members are of fairly limited bowling ability anyway. I mean two cases in point;
• Ronnie Conquest – I mean how you can you take anyone who bowls like an epileptic on amphetamines seriously?
• Frank Nucifora – Has the double of advantage of being a Nucifora and lefty, yet still can’t bowl (Go Figure!!)

Sorry guys unlike your gutless diatribes, I will name names.

I can assure everyone that the 14 men and 14 women who will represent Queensland this year, will all give 110% and do everything humanly possible to win the trophies. I have no doubt that the true Nay Sayers will death ride us for the entire 3 days, so that if 1st isn’t achieved they can say “See we told you”

My advice to them and everyone else in Queensland is;


I am speechless, and downright sadened as to what is transpiring as a direct result of the process that was meant to "unify" us as Queenslanders. Also Tubby, I dont think in any way that Frank was pointing the finger at you, how could he when reputation and results speek for themselves? And how does a bowlers style or ability such as Ronnie Conquest impair ones ability to have an opinion (even if it is destructive to the cause)

You speek about bowlers such as Otty, Hammo and Morty, these guys are true gentlemen of the game. Are we really surprised as to how they handled the situation NO! regardless as to whether or not they are dissappointed about what happened they took it on the chin and didnt create any fuss! That is what is missing from the personality of many bowlers around the place, the ability of acceptance that the selectors decision is final.

What it does do for these blokes, is get the fires in the belly burning to make damn sure they are there next year. Dissappointment breeds desire, and at the end of the day breeds fierce competition which can only be a good thing for Queensland in the future.

We all need to sit down and shutup as Tubby suggested and take a look at ourselves. We are only bringing the sport into disrepute by bagging people that are our own, and yes I myself have been dragged into it on one or two occasions, a fact that I hate.

I think we all need to take a step back from the keyboard, and think about what we are saying before we actually say it. LETS BE PROACTIVE not REACTIVE! There seems to be a lot of passion flying around the place that needs to be channelled for good purposes.

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