Qld Youth Challenge Day 1 Results


After 7 games (a further 8 to be bowled tomorrow)
Bundy 79.80
Rocky 69.44
Aspley 64.63
Mt Gravatt 63.75
Caboolture 53.10
Ashmore 52.87
Bundy 73.25
Aspley 64.86
Rocky 64.32
Caboolture 55.26
Ashmore 49.44
Mt Gravatt 49.00
Hi Feral,

Thanks for putting the link up for the scores, we couldnt find it lol, thanks again for doing it....cheers, good luck to everyone bowling at Rocky...go the sunshine coast junior boys:D

Mick and Cathy:)
Knowing quite a few of those bowlers, and how they can bowl, I just have to ask the question - are those averages after 7 games right?????:confused:

From all reports Rockhampton is a tough place to Bowl...Maybe George has drilled some of their gear before the event...He has been up there since Friday...:D :D :D :D
Hi Broni,

After 6 years travelling with the juniors the averages would be correct, Rockhampton lanes are very tough on the bowlers and some of the kids do get discouraged especially going in with high averages and coming out below average, but the kids all keep each other going.

I believe what keeps the kids going back to Rockhampton its not the lanes its is the atmosphere these young kids display and the teamwork is just brilliant:D . Unfortunatley we were unable to get the time off work this year to go and watch our son Daniel and all the other kids bowl, we are sitting at home missing that wonderful atmosphere the kids have each year such as the yelling for there team mates, the chanting and singing, the mateship and the good conduct these kids have on the lanes is fantastic.

Juniors and Youth be proud and enjoy your weekend, we wish we could be with you.

Mick and Cathy :D
The first average is the entering average, the average in brackets is the bowler's average bowled for the tournament.

Example: 174 (137) : 174 is entering average, 137 is the average bowled.
having bowled many a junior shield, the lanes are challenging but along with the lanes it is also the heat that you have to contend with as well. It is often very humid up there and that along with frustration can take its toll. But as Mick & Cathy said its the atmosphere and i also think rivalry between teams and the many friendships that was made was what kept me wanting to go back.
Urm Ferrel have you got day 2 scores? went into the site you posted but said not found........ help please:(
Day 2 scores have not been up-dated as yet. I believe Aspley Boys are making a run. Last I heard there were 3 more games to bowl tonight to bring the block to 15/15.
Hope this helps.

With 1 game to go, placings were not available but Bundy smashed Aspley in game 13 while Aspley smashed Caboolture in game 14. That's the best I can get for you.
Final results attached.
Congratulations to Bundy on the win in the men, ladies & combined division.
All star teams were :-
Luke Green - Bundy - 182 Avg
Daan Wijkert - Bundy - 178
Tim Reichel - Aspley - 177
Geoff Stevens - Rocky - 175
Amanda Frost - Rocky - 170
Laura Henry - Bundy - 155
Deandra Brown - Bundy - 152
Tegan Meads - Rocky - 148
I dont have the final results of the Junior Shield, hopefully someone with them will be able to post.


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Hi nls,

Thanks for the post on the youth bowlers, and congratulations to Bundy and well done to all the bowlers who bowled this weekend, we hope you had fun:D
safe trip home everyone.

We tried to contact Daniel to see how the juniors went... still trying lol:rolleyes: as nls said if anyone has the results to post that would be great:D

Cheers.......... Cathy
I'd like to thank John McKenna and all the team at Rocky for a wonderful weekend, it was really enjoyable and well run. My first time at Rockhampton was a memorable one - just a shame it was so hot! But I guess it adds to the whole experience.

Thanks to all the guys in our team - Robbie, Jamie, John - 2nd was a great effort. Well done to the girls - Kylie, Cassie, Taya and Candice - well bowled under tough conditions. Thanks to all the bowlers from the other teams as well, it was great bowling against so many new people.

Thanks to Dave and Cindy Kassel for all the effort you both put in both before and during the tournament - it is much appreciated and it was a privilege to represent Aspley with you.

Also a big thankyou to Glenn Rowland from Qubica-AMF and George Frilingos for making the trip up - much appreciated and thanks for the sponsorship of the event, these events can't happen without support like yours so thankyou.

And finally to the pole between lanes 8 and 9 - thankyou for t-boning my ankle. That's my only real complaint about the centre - who puts a pole a foot in front of the foul line between lanes.. especially when it's that dry on the lanes and you need that extra space!

As for Rocky's lane conditions - they are dry but it's not like they aren't scorable. I hadn't bowled for 27 days going into it and by day 2 (except for the pole between 8/9) didn't have many problems. Managed to get the front 6 in the final game of the tournament and shoot the tournament high game. And make All Stars as a two handed bowler in Rockhampton :D

Sometimes bowling is about more than lane conditions!

Tim Reichel
Full results attached. Apologies for quality but I had to scan it from the copies handed out by the bowl.



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I just wanted to say as being a junior bowler who has bowled 5 junior QLD shields so far it is the rivalry between teams and atmosphere at Rocky and the friendships with people and some you don't see until rocky the next year.

As many times as I've heard people say I'm not going back I always bowl bad and its to hot they still go back.

Plus I would also like to thank John Mckenna for putting this tournament on which is a very well run tournament and I have enjoyed bowling this for 5 years and I hope my last year next yea rin Juniors I am able to go back!! Also thanks to all the staff at Rocky bowl for helping it run smooth!!

Well my little input to this.

Caity aka Chooken!!
And finally to the pole between lanes 8 and 9 - thankyou for t-boning my ankle. That's my only real complaint about the centre - who puts a pole a foot in front of the foul line between lanes.. especially when it's that dry on the lanes and you need that extra space!
As for Rocky's lane conditions - they are dry but it's not like they aren't scorable. I hadn't bowled for 27 days going into it and by day 2 (except for the pole between 8/9) didn't have many problems. Managed to get the front 6 in the final game of the tournament and shoot the tournament high game. And make All Stars as a two handed bowler in Rockhampton :D
Sometimes bowling is about more than lane conditions!
Tim Reichel

yea i got a nice bruise on my lower leg 1st ball then boom bloddy hurt to also bowled a 95 on the 1st game last day on 16-17 i think near the wall theres no room to do anything for left handed bowler lol
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