Qld State Champs 2010

Just letting everyone know who maybe travelling in from out of town. The Country Music Fest is on this weekend. This means that every bush wacking country music nut bag has completely booked out all of the accommodation in town.
Not all of us are bush wacking country music nut bag thanks. We appreciate good music.

Unfortunately I don't like country music. But for 3 days I get to listen to it very loudly. I guess this is my punishment for living so close to the show grounds. There is only one good thing about it all. John Williamson usally plays on Saturday night.
Sorry, I didn't explain myself clearly. I don't have any team mates and I was wondering if you could slot me into a team.
Squad availability as at 27th April 2010-

1/5/10 Saturday 8.30am - 2 team places available
1/5/10 Saturday 1.00pm - 1 team place available
2/5/10 Sunday 8.30am - SQUAD FULL

Squad list attached

Entry forms can be found in the Queensland Tournament Section, or on the State website tbaq.org.au, and entries close on Wednesday 27th April. Entries are to be made as 4 person teams.

Due to a lack of interest, the Friday night squad has been cancelled


  • Squad times v6.xls
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We are missing a few averages. Please email or pm if you can help out. We need these yearbook averages in order to put you in the correct grade.


  • Averages needed.doc
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Thanks Ann - the only ones we need now are as follows:

Dunn, Melissa
Cluff, Fiona
Jones, Rhyss
Reggars, Taya
Mifsud, Belinda
Schuler, Ian
Jacobs, Tracey
Comrie, Darrin
Whillans, John
Yendle, Terry
Yendle, Ros
Updated average needed list

Dunn, Melissa
Jones, Rhyss
Mifsud, Belinda
Schuler, Ian
Jacobs, Tracey
Whillans, John
Yendle, Terry
Yendle, Ros
Squad availability as at 27th April 2010 5:00pm-

1/5/10 Saturday 8.30am - 1 team place available
1/5/10 Saturday 1.00pm - SQUAD FULL
2/5/10 Sunday 8.30am - SQUAD FULL

Squad list attached

Entry forms can be found in the Queensland Tournament Section, or on the State website tbaq.org.au, and entries close on Wednesday 27th April. Entries are to be made as 4 person teams.

Due to a lack of interest, the Friday night squad has been cancelled


David Brown
Administration Officer
Tenpin Bowling Association of Queensland incorporated
Those bowlers in confirmed squads for this weekends' championships are reminded that payment for their all events should be paid via internet deposit BEFORE the event.

Bank details are:

Bank of Qld BSB 124-001
Account Number 13261021
Account Name - TBAQ SQ Tournament Account

Please remember to put your name as a reference for that payment This is most important, as we already have a complete payment made into the account with NO reference........If you think this may be your payment, please pm me in the soonest possible instance, so that it can be sorted!
Squad availability as at 28th April 2010 5:00pm-

1/5/10 Saturday 8.30am - 1 team place available
1/5/10 Saturday 1.00pm - SQUAD FULL
2/5/10 Sunday 8.30am - SQUAD FULL

Thank you to all those Queensland bowlers who have nominated to bowl in the State championships this weekend - whilst officially entries have now closed, there is still a spot for 1 team of 4 bowlers for the Saturday morning squad......perhaps 4 of our local Association challenge team members might like to get together and have a go, or any 2009 local association masters champions out there who want to roll in the State masters - we will take a full team entry so long as it is lodged and paid for by Friday.

Other entrants, please ensure that you have paid for your entry into the bank account as detailed in the previous post.

thanks again, and we look forward to what is looking to be a great weekend of bowling!
Here is an updated squad list as at 6.00pm Wednesday. Any spelling mistakes please let us know.


  • Championships squads times 2010.xls
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And here are the current Masters qualifiers, if you think you should be here and youre not, please let us know.


  • STATE MASTERS v 28.4.xls
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Greg Sharp has let Alicia know that she is the Brisbane Masters representative. I also believe this would make Rhys Jones the male rep from Brisbane.
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