Ladies and Gentleman......Back and better than ever, the man with all the odds and all the comedy.....the 1 and only....Booty Call Belmo
Now i have decided to place some odds for the super 6's. In particular Queensland Cup.
I will give odds on each squad and then an overall odds for the win.
Now its been a while so if im rusty bare with me
and remember all this is for fun and none of what i say is to be taken serioulsy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well maybe somethings
Squad 1:
Now with only 16 names, some of which i dont know odds will be a lil lower than other squads.
Trifector is and in this order at 7-1
1: Tony (Hamo) Hamilton
now i have seen this guy play and boy can he play.....up 3 board that is
may not have all the hand like some of us kids but Hamo can play and compete with the best like i said give him an open edge and he will carve up....and we all know that QLD isnt known for OIL fo im sure his shot will suit a drying condition.
2: Kelly Warren
One of the best female bowlers AUST has produced. After cutting last year her ODDS have gone threw the roof. She has the ball speed to get it threw the heads and the power in the shot to knock over all 10.
3: Andy Nobbs
One of thr local youths. Havent seen him bowl of late but with that red hair and freckels he is a sure thing to be top 3 in the can u not bet on him, just look at him his so cute haha
And now for the individual win odds for the win
Tony Hamo 25-1.......dont think he will have the kick in the last 10 games
Kelly Warren 23-1....... again a strong field coming and i just think she will use all her petrol to cut and wont have the legs to keep going
Andy Nobbs 250-1.......hasnt really perfromed of late and dont think he is quite ready to win a major...but have strager things may happen
Squad 2:
The power squad.....Big names rolling out left and right...
Startring with the individual odds for the win.
Branbon Qualischefski 3/2
Unlike prenouncing his last name its easy to say he will be a highly fit contender. KING OF THE DRY ive heard people say and shit we all know what QLD will be like. After some great form coming from the late Melbourne cup i wouldnt be surprised if this guy not only wins it but throws a 300 in there too.
Again with current wins in QLD his the number 1 contender for the title going into the last 2 weeks!
Paul Trotter 3-1
You know getting sick and tired of seeing this guy in the top 3
...but he is there for a reason the guy is just so GOD DAM consistent. rairly does he miss a single pin. Again its not hard to hit the 5 pin all day HAHA 
We all know why trotts is at 3-1 and we all know why he could send a bookie broke at those odds! cause he is just god dam GOOD!
Mick Little 4-1
Although he says he isnt, this guy loves the dry lane shot and boy can he score on it. Never doubt this guy to do anything. Ive seen him throw 300 to make a cut and ive seen him spare a big 4 for a win in matchplay.
With some new equipment and some Great form leading into this tournie (Perth cup 3rd and 2nd Melbourne cup) Mr. Little is one to watch........Just a small reminder to the crowd....should you see Mick miss a 4 pin..... watch out for a ball that may be thrown
Jarrod Lean and Jason Walsh 5-1
Form for my Main man JEZ hasnt been the best, but he knows that and after working with a GOD (dr. Ed kee) im sure coming QLD cup this guy will be back where he belongs.......On the pedalstool....just a question of how high up!
The only thing that may bother him is a thought in the back of his mind about his UNI exams........hang on what am i saying, this is jez we are talking about he hates uni hahaha
Walshy has been suffering from a injury to his right arm and shoulder, after bowling Orange and seeing his form wasnt at what it can be when he is 100% fit the odds arnt as low as they could be. Dry lanes meaning speed will be a factor and i just hope his Arm doent fall off like it almost did in Melbourne. In saying that this guy feels no pain and his concentraion is so intence sometimes i see him looking at the pins like he really does what to kill them...tad scary haha
Watch thses boys coming home strong in matchplay!
Carl Bottomley 6-1
The guy is good and we saw that when he won last weekend in Melbourne, but can the form carry over and swing back to back majors..... hasn't be dont for quite sometime!
He has that Trick realase though that noone else in the world has...... can make a ball go so slow down the lane yet hold in the oil for 40 ft and hit like a truck.... we should learn how do what he does everyday!
Goodluck Homeboy.............but on a personal note i will be higher on the pedelstool this time...why CAUSE im pissed u took my title in Melbourne hahaha
Now for the trifector in qulaifying only.....
Option 1 in this order for 7-1
1: Brando
2: Trotts
3: Little
No reasons why odds so low...these are the inform guys and i think thats the way it will be.
Option 2 in this order for 2500-1
1: Jason Walsh
2: Cameron walsh
3: Barry walsh
i must say if it wasnt for Barry, the odds would of been looking a lil better
And now for the last Squad.....
Sqaud C
Only 4 guys i can see in here that may look the goods for a are the indivual win odds.
Andrew Frawley 5-1
My hero..... the reason i took the game up, people say i started bowling becasue my family owned and ran a bowling centre ever since i was born and that i grew up with the game......I say it was cause Mr Fralws came into my life and showed me the light and direction....i am forever gratful...
Now enough of the tears and emotions...
The man is due for a win.....cuts for every God dam thing interstate and internationally..... years of exeprsiance and talent make this gentlemen AUST best bowler and there is daylight between him and 2nd best. (the thing is...that is so true)
Fralws is a great bet for a win, his mind is now free realising that while he is away Sue is working 16 hour days looking after the busiest bowl in AUST since opening over a month ago....he knows all is taken care of and all will be in order for the man when he comes home to his Pride and JOY!
George Frillingos 10-1
Recent Form and travelling success for QLD's own will give George the upper hand with experiance.
Results in Perth and overseas makes him a high contender.
The guy most LOVE to HATE has been talking it up all year and with a recent interview in the lastest edition of "Bowlers Network" have given the crowd something to look forward to.
Will he walk the walk or is he just plain old FULL OF be the judge....but dont forget form that makes u cut in the Phillipiens and Qatar is form that can bring a win home.....Oh and remember this is george's LIVING NOW, if he wants to eat over the weekend he better make some doubt he will be offering side bets just to make that lil extra quid for his family to survive too
Matt Middlemiss 20-1
Cuts in both Perth and Melbourne have opened my eyes to this young talented kid.......almost everything about his game has changed...he is more accurate, more pateint and more steady at the line, what hasnt changed it that Gangster Attitutde which has become a trademark to his game just like Brentons constant playing with himslef has become apart of his game (No matter what we say Mr Davy, u keep doing it, its something the crowd loves to talk about)
Matty will not only have to play well but will have some luck if he is going to prevail as the winner
Davd Turnage 17-1
The silent killer...... Comes out when you thought he was gone.... Dave is the player that can turn on a big game when needs be, but can also string a few low ones as well (but cant we all).
Should Dave come out on top the man will need the supprot of his loving and very beatuiful wife to pull him over the line...and shit mate if we play in matchplay again ill let u bowl 259 against me again for a win ok
Trifecta for the squad again in this order.......
1: Frawls
2: Georgie
3: Matty from the WEST SIIDDE
8-1 odds on for the C squad Trifecta with Frawls and George and Turnage
Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes todays gambling post.
Again like always everythign said is for pure fun and to give the readers something to enjoy till the event comes up.
And till next time....
Booty Call Belmo
Now i have decided to place some odds for the super 6's. In particular Queensland Cup.
I will give odds on each squad and then an overall odds for the win.
Now its been a while so if im rusty bare with me
Squad 1:
Now with only 16 names, some of which i dont know odds will be a lil lower than other squads.
Trifector is and in this order at 7-1
1: Tony (Hamo) Hamilton
now i have seen this guy play and boy can he play.....up 3 board that is
may not have all the hand like some of us kids but Hamo can play and compete with the best like i said give him an open edge and he will carve up....and we all know that QLD isnt known for OIL fo im sure his shot will suit a drying condition.
2: Kelly Warren
One of the best female bowlers AUST has produced. After cutting last year her ODDS have gone threw the roof. She has the ball speed to get it threw the heads and the power in the shot to knock over all 10.
3: Andy Nobbs
One of thr local youths. Havent seen him bowl of late but with that red hair and freckels he is a sure thing to be top 3 in the can u not bet on him, just look at him his so cute haha
And now for the individual win odds for the win
Tony Hamo 25-1.......dont think he will have the kick in the last 10 games
Kelly Warren 23-1....... again a strong field coming and i just think she will use all her petrol to cut and wont have the legs to keep going
Andy Nobbs 250-1.......hasnt really perfromed of late and dont think he is quite ready to win a major...but have strager things may happen
Squad 2:
The power squad.....Big names rolling out left and right...
Startring with the individual odds for the win.
Branbon Qualischefski 3/2
Unlike prenouncing his last name its easy to say he will be a highly fit contender. KING OF THE DRY ive heard people say and shit we all know what QLD will be like. After some great form coming from the late Melbourne cup i wouldnt be surprised if this guy not only wins it but throws a 300 in there too.
Again with current wins in QLD his the number 1 contender for the title going into the last 2 weeks!
Paul Trotter 3-1
You know getting sick and tired of seeing this guy in the top 3
We all know why trotts is at 3-1 and we all know why he could send a bookie broke at those odds! cause he is just god dam GOOD!
Mick Little 4-1
Although he says he isnt, this guy loves the dry lane shot and boy can he score on it. Never doubt this guy to do anything. Ive seen him throw 300 to make a cut and ive seen him spare a big 4 for a win in matchplay.
With some new equipment and some Great form leading into this tournie (Perth cup 3rd and 2nd Melbourne cup) Mr. Little is one to watch........Just a small reminder to the crowd....should you see Mick miss a 4 pin..... watch out for a ball that may be thrown
Jarrod Lean and Jason Walsh 5-1
Form for my Main man JEZ hasnt been the best, but he knows that and after working with a GOD (dr. Ed kee) im sure coming QLD cup this guy will be back where he belongs.......On the pedalstool....just a question of how high up!
The only thing that may bother him is a thought in the back of his mind about his UNI exams........hang on what am i saying, this is jez we are talking about he hates uni hahaha
Walshy has been suffering from a injury to his right arm and shoulder, after bowling Orange and seeing his form wasnt at what it can be when he is 100% fit the odds arnt as low as they could be. Dry lanes meaning speed will be a factor and i just hope his Arm doent fall off like it almost did in Melbourne. In saying that this guy feels no pain and his concentraion is so intence sometimes i see him looking at the pins like he really does what to kill them...tad scary haha
Watch thses boys coming home strong in matchplay!
Carl Bottomley 6-1
The guy is good and we saw that when he won last weekend in Melbourne, but can the form carry over and swing back to back majors..... hasn't be dont for quite sometime!
He has that Trick realase though that noone else in the world has...... can make a ball go so slow down the lane yet hold in the oil for 40 ft and hit like a truck.... we should learn how do what he does everyday!
Goodluck Homeboy.............but on a personal note i will be higher on the pedelstool this time...why CAUSE im pissed u took my title in Melbourne hahaha
Now for the trifector in qulaifying only.....
Option 1 in this order for 7-1
1: Brando
2: Trotts
3: Little
No reasons why odds so low...these are the inform guys and i think thats the way it will be.
Option 2 in this order for 2500-1
1: Jason Walsh
2: Cameron walsh
3: Barry walsh
i must say if it wasnt for Barry, the odds would of been looking a lil better
And now for the last Squad.....
Sqaud C
Only 4 guys i can see in here that may look the goods for a are the indivual win odds.
Andrew Frawley 5-1
My hero..... the reason i took the game up, people say i started bowling becasue my family owned and ran a bowling centre ever since i was born and that i grew up with the game......I say it was cause Mr Fralws came into my life and showed me the light and direction....i am forever gratful...
Now enough of the tears and emotions...
The man is due for a win.....cuts for every God dam thing interstate and internationally..... years of exeprsiance and talent make this gentlemen AUST best bowler and there is daylight between him and 2nd best. (the thing is...that is so true)
Fralws is a great bet for a win, his mind is now free realising that while he is away Sue is working 16 hour days looking after the busiest bowl in AUST since opening over a month ago....he knows all is taken care of and all will be in order for the man when he comes home to his Pride and JOY!
George Frillingos 10-1
Recent Form and travelling success for QLD's own will give George the upper hand with experiance.
Results in Perth and overseas makes him a high contender.
The guy most LOVE to HATE has been talking it up all year and with a recent interview in the lastest edition of "Bowlers Network" have given the crowd something to look forward to.
Will he walk the walk or is he just plain old FULL OF be the judge....but dont forget form that makes u cut in the Phillipiens and Qatar is form that can bring a win home.....Oh and remember this is george's LIVING NOW, if he wants to eat over the weekend he better make some doubt he will be offering side bets just to make that lil extra quid for his family to survive too
Matt Middlemiss 20-1
Cuts in both Perth and Melbourne have opened my eyes to this young talented kid.......almost everything about his game has changed...he is more accurate, more pateint and more steady at the line, what hasnt changed it that Gangster Attitutde which has become a trademark to his game just like Brentons constant playing with himslef has become apart of his game (No matter what we say Mr Davy, u keep doing it, its something the crowd loves to talk about)
Matty will not only have to play well but will have some luck if he is going to prevail as the winner
Davd Turnage 17-1
The silent killer...... Comes out when you thought he was gone.... Dave is the player that can turn on a big game when needs be, but can also string a few low ones as well (but cant we all).
Should Dave come out on top the man will need the supprot of his loving and very beatuiful wife to pull him over the line...and shit mate if we play in matchplay again ill let u bowl 259 against me again for a win ok
Trifecta for the squad again in this order.......
1: Frawls
2: Georgie
3: Matty from the WEST SIIDDE
8-1 odds on for the C squad Trifecta with Frawls and George and Turnage
Ladies and Gentlemen that concludes todays gambling post.
Again like always everythign said is for pure fun and to give the readers something to enjoy till the event comes up.
And till next time....
Booty Call Belmo