
Bowling Balls Australia said:
There has to be some very strict guidleines set for it to work PROPERLY.

Funny how the same people regularly abuse the system (I know who you mean Mannah), pre-bowling in one afternoon for several weeks league so one can go away on holidays - uh uh !

You make a commitment to play in a team, the same time every week, exactly the same as a footballer, tennis player, cricketer & etc. You should honour that commitment and make yourself available every week. However, I do understand on one or two occasions per season there may be matters more pressing and on those occasions, I agree pre-bowling is fine.

Pre-bowling because of shift work? - choose another night or day to bowl when your work does not interfere with your commitment.

The respective leagues should set a limit, maybe 2 pre-bowls per season and then any others you miss are blind scores or you use a sub, and the sub should be for your team only and not for use by just any team in the league who happens to be a bowler short one week.


Yeah. What he said. Exactly what he said.

It is a committment and I also think it should be honoured. Plus nothing loses teams faster than gaps in a league. Other teams think those absent bowlers don't care and they drift out of the league.
And there is another issue that hasn't been raised. Pre-bowling changes the pace of bowling between the 2 teams on the night. Some people have medical conditions which are affected by having to increase the rate at which they bowl. Asthma for one.
This can lead to an unfair advantage of a quite different kind.
Shift workers are the reason these PHANTOM Leagues were set up. For those bowlers that could not commt to one particular night. I understand that these leagues arent sanctioned or anything.
The other thing is that if the league is sanctioned then you cant pre or post bowl with out the other team and a commitee member there to watch. In all of my experiences, any pre bowl i have done has been with the opposition team bowling with us and in most circumstances a commitee member of the league watching too.
Perhaps someone from an association could comment on this?
Last league i played, a rule was decided on that to prebowl you had to do it with your full team or it didnt count. Only a few weeks in, it was decided by most it was a disaster. Needless to say, in the new league the rule was thrown out unanimously.

It actually benefitted me one week when my team mate pre-bowled illegally on his own. But he did so badly that the blind score was a better option to take. heheh

This was only a doubles league and it wasnt popular and was a little hard sometimes to get there at any other time than league nights for a pre-bowl. I can imagine it would be made much harder for larger teams.

My center used to allow postbowls, but its been gone for years. No league in my centre is allowed a post-bowl.
It is not up to Centres or Associations to make these rules. Pre & Post bowls are covered by TBA Rule 338 which states post/pre bowls are allowed provided they are authorised by the League Management Committee with the request at least 48 hours prior to the scheduled match. The whole match must be prebowled ie both teams bowling against each other.

This Rule can be varied by individual leagues by varying their League Constitution at an authorised meeting (ie AGM). If the League Constitution does not make any mention of pre/post Bowls then TBA Rule 338 applies.
An earlier post mentioned a league that allowed teams to bank an emergency pre-bowl.
So what happens if that banked pre-bowl was a really high score?
Wouldn't it be rather tempting to use that pre-bowl at some stage, even if there was no emergency?
Andrew S. said:
An earlier post mentioned a league that allowed teams to bank an emergency pre-bowl.
So what happens if that banked pre-bowl was a really high score?
Wouldn't it be rather tempting to use that pre-bowl at some stage, even if there was no emergency?

Yes Andrew that’s correct, but one thing i have always said is to take away the lane draws that are advertised each week, so no one knows who they are playing until they show up on the night. I bowled in a singles league a few years ago and a few people i felt took advantage of what you are saying or the fact that they got a sub that was a pretty keen bowler to play against higher average bowlers to try and win there points for them.

Hey Pilko what was your pre-bowl the other week?????;) ;) ;)
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