Please Explain!!!


Ducati 851

Yeah this probably should be in the balls section, but i just wanted people to see this

Elite Bowling has released in conjunction with the PBA...for PBA Sports Patterns

Pro Balls sepcifically for the 4 PBA Sports Patterns

Shark,Scorpion,Cheetah,and Viper

Now these do look impressive little feats

But the most interesting thing is they cost.,....

$289.00 US
$85 US for Shipping
then 50-60 to get it drilled in Australia

And add this up and your looking at 550 dollar per ball

WOW what a bargain

But have a look at these things
from what i hear on forums is that they are re-hashed old brunswick balls and not worth the cardboard they are packed in...

that's the general concensus over there.....
Thats correct.

Elite is made by Brunswick on behalf of Bowlers Paradise. They signed a huge deal with PBA to be the 'official ball' of the PBA, and in doing so tried to buy the right to overcharge people.

The balls that they make are often no different to old MID PERFORMANCE Brunswick balls (bruiser, fuzes, even quantum's). They also combine covers from 1 ball and cores from another to create a 'new' ball.

The company works on the oldest marketting/sales theory known to man...

"People will buy a product if it is believed to be of good value, regardless of price"

Its just nasty that they don't disclose all the information of their releases to the bowler, but to each his own.
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