Mr Mac

New Member
The Nomination Forms for the Queensland Junior Shiled - Rockhampton 2004 are now available and being distributed to Bowling Centres in Queensland. A players Pool is also being established for the 2004 Tournament. So if you don't make your Centre/Assocation Team you can nominate to the player pool or if your Centre/Assocaition is not entering a team, then you can nominate to the pool. Centre/Associations who need extra players can ask for players from the pool.
If you need more information or a form, send a mail to
Regards - John Mckenna
hey all!!

hey KriDdLe i have heard that teams from both toowoomaba bowls are sending teams to rocky (sunset and garden city). also i have heard that Mt Warren is sending a team to rocky as well. looking great for some competition this John :p


:p :D Matty J :p :D :p
Hey Mr Mckenna

It's your favourite little bowlink girl MANDII haha ..

I think this player pool is a great idea!! and Kisstal hunny i do believe Toowoomba are sending a team .. hope so anyways, we need more teams in the competition to make it more fun !!

See you all there

GO ROCKY!! haha sorry Matty i had to say it :D

Bye Bye
yehhhhhhhhhh who is goin to Rocky Junior Shield??? Please tell !!

Your welcome krystal ... but no .. go Rocky :lol: and gold coast cos they have awesome people !! like my baby krystal hehe n the rest of the team is awesome aswell haha

but right now .. GOOOOOO SQ !!! sorry dan :shock:
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