Paul Reus 847 series @ Boronia

Congratulations to Paul Reus who bowled an amazing 847 series tonight in the Legends league at Boronia.

289 279 279

Awsome bowling Paul!! Well done. :D
brilliant bowling - taken over the previous high series for boronia from emily and paul (bluey) (both 836)
Thanks for the comments!! Yes, 32 strikes, had first 10 in 1st game then 10 pin spare, then had first 6 then 10 pin spare got the last 5, then started with a 9 miss (2 pin) and punched out.
Bowled with a new ball from the states when I was there last year in November, 1st new ball in 6 years! Ebonite Lane Breaker, drilled with 3 holes by Patrick, personally I have no idea how it was drilled!!
Thanks again for the comments!!:)
Top work Reusy!!!

Couldn't have happened to a nicer bloke :)

I'll just revert to female record holder then, haha.

Keep up the awesome work champ!
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