haha, i have been, just watching the 20-20 cricket and the Footy
Ill give a short review.
Game play a solid 8/10
Good Career mode, But not great, once u win the league u move into a new league with a higher level. every so often u will get invited to play a rival. After every 6 league night (well where i am up to) there will be a tournament, single elimination.
not sure about what happens after the 2nd league, as i have just started.
As u progress in the game u will get 'arm' strength, better accuracy, Better reputation, Stamina and hook control
Pin Carry so-so, some real like some not.
Money, Start with $600, $5 for a league night, so far the tournaments have been free to enter.
Equipment, u start of with a house ball and work ur way up, Each ball costs a different amount ($1470-$4852:surrender

and has different attributes.
Shirts, Same deal, price range $300-$400.
Shoes, Price range $250-$1300
Wrist guards, hats and glasses, same deal as the top 3.
Graphics 8/10
Sound 5/10
This was a real let down, there is one sound for a stike and thats IT, you know when u got a stike and when u dont.
Overall a Good 7/10
Could be alot better, But this is coming from a bowler so i prob expect alot more, i would say for the price i got it ($40Aus direct from the states) it was worth it, i say try before u buy on this one, could be a Big seller, Could be a big Dud.