Overseas PSP games - do they work over here?

"PSP adopts both a "worldwide" and "regional" code system," explains Molly Smith of SCE America. "For games on PSP there is no region code. However, due to language and system issues, quality assurance procedures are done in each territory. Therefore, we recommend purchasing both the hardware and corresponding software in the same market/territory." - Quote from ign.com

PSP Release List..... 3/9/07

27th September 2007 Brunswick Pro Bowling

- quote www.palgn.com.au
The Lovey Post man just droped in! not only to say Hi! but to drop of a package straight frm the states! But i can not play it atm.. cause my Psp isnt at my house.. So bugga.. i will be playing it 2night! and will be psoting my thoughts on the game!! Cant wait!

haha, i have been, just watching the 20-20 cricket and the Footy
Ill give a short review.
Game play a solid 8/10
Good Career mode, But not great, once u win the league u move into a new league with a higher level. every so often u will get invited to play a rival. After every 6 league night (well where i am up to) there will be a tournament, single elimination.
not sure about what happens after the 2nd league, as i have just started.
As u progress in the game u will get 'arm' strength, better accuracy, Better reputation, Stamina and hook control
Pin Carry so-so, some real like some not.
Money, Start with $600, $5 for a league night, so far the tournaments have been free to enter.
Equipment, u start of with a house ball and work ur way up, Each ball costs a different amount ($1470-$4852:surrender:) and has different attributes.
Shirts, Same deal, price range $300-$400.
Shoes, Price range $250-$1300
Wrist guards, hats and glasses, same deal as the top 3.
Graphics 8/10
Sound 5/10
This was a real let down, there is one sound for a stike and thats IT, you know when u got a stike and when u dont.
Overall a Good 7/10
Could be alot better, But this is coming from a bowler so i prob expect alot more, i would say for the price i got it ($40Aus direct from the states) it was worth it, i say try before u buy on this one, could be a Big seller, Could be a big Dud.
just a quick update!
my memory card on my psp deleted some files, so i had to start again!

as i was still learning when i first started playing, this time i am doing a lot better, bowling 2 300s in a space of 12 hours(i have pictures :p).

Still i love playing the game!!

I've only shot 3 x 279's but I talked to a friend of mine the other night who had a 63 bagger working with 4 300's in a row. I just won my first tournament and am still bowling league. Wish it was quicker, I new equipment!!!! $3500 for a ball is a bit steep though :D

Certainly a lot of fun and hard to put down
ok after some playing its best to do the following

Forfeit all league nights and just play the 3 tournaments to win some money. At the end you'll have to redo all the league nights anyway but at least you'll have some decent equipment.

I've found the Fury 3 is the hardest hitting ball for the wedge pattern. Hope this helps.

If your a bowler and you own a PSP, I highly recommend this game
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