Just wondering what some of you guys out there, that don't have access to the Revivor (ooooh, I WISH!!
), do to extract oil from your balls. I have tried many different techniques, from soaking in hot water and detergent, baking in the oven, as well as submerging the ball in a tub of kitty litter for a few days. I've even heard of puuting it in the dishwasher. The best method IMO is baking it in the oven. I have never had any trouble whatsoever with damage to coverstocks or core. I keep the temp about 50* . Leave it in there for about 15 mins, remove and wipe oil off the surface with a rag with a degreaser on it, and repeat until nothing else comes out of the ball. Clean up on a spinner and bingo, back to new.
Of course, some of these methods do have some danger to them, if you don't know what you are doing. As in this pic shows the results from a guy in the states.
Hmm....Tracks new ball?
And just for some fun, here is a newspaper artical from the Wall Street Journal, which descibes some tried, and most often failed attempts to extract oil from their bowling balls.
Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal and Google

Of course, some of these methods do have some danger to them, if you don't know what you are doing. As in this pic shows the results from a guy in the states.
Hmm....Tracks new ball?
And just for some fun, here is a newspaper artical from the Wall Street Journal, which descibes some tried, and most often failed attempts to extract oil from their bowling balls.
Courtesy of the Wall Street Journal and Google