NSW Tour - Bankstown Open


AMF- NSW Region is proud to announce the the first NSW Tour event for the 2005-06 Season.

The Bankstown Open, will be held on June 25 & 26th at AMF Bankstown Bowl.

This is the first of four tournaments that will form the 2005-06 NSW Tour. These tournaments offer bowlers low entry fees, re-attempts, sudden death elimination finals and a chance to share in the Tour Championship prize money.

Entry forms are now available from the Tournament Entry Forms section of Total Bowling.

Just a friendly reminder to bowlers that Round 1 of the NSW Tour - "Bankstown Open" will be held on 25th & 26th June.

Entries to date for this tournament have been very slow, and if interest and entries for this event do not increase over the next week, then this event, along with the whole tour, will have to be re-assessed.

I dont need to remind bowlers of the up-roar that was evident when the first tour was cancelled. I for one dont want to see this tournament or for that matter, the entire series, being cancelled as well.

Entries can be made either through total bowling or by contacting the tournament director at



Brett Smith
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