NSW State Championships


Active Member
Attached are the entry forms for the NSW State Championships.

The State Championships are held this year on the following weekends:

12th, 13th, 19th and 20th FEBRUARY 2011.

The venue is Campbelltown City Bowl, 11 Hollylea Road, Leumeah NSW 2560 and telephone 02 4625 5222.

Remember if you are trying out for any State Teams this year e.g. Rachuig, Restricted or Senior's part of the criteria is that you must bowl an All Events entry in the State Championships.

Amy further information is on the NSW Web site at www.tenpinbowlingnsw.org.au

In addition, email to Mary Bacon at marybacon@optusnet.com.au



  • NSW State Adult Championships Entry form 2011.pdf
    167.4 KB · Views: 59
  • NSW State Champs v3 FINAL 2011.pdf
    294.3 KB · Views: 76
Hey Geoff, has a decision been made where Rachuig is actually going to be yet.

AH in short NO
It must be hard to make a decision.......
AMF have decided to take up their option
and will sponsor the event again
They, AMF, are working out where to hold the event.
My best guess is Rooty Hill again
Geoff, Thanks for your offer about the State forms and I should have done this myself.

Regarding Rachuig, still no decision has been made for Actual Venue and the NSW Roll Off dates are 28-29 May 2011, venue also to be advised, and ALL Roll-offs will be conducted TOGETHER.
Been awhile simce i bowled in one of these...

Anybody willing to do doubles and trios with me?

James Sitters
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