The NSW Tenpin Bowling Association Junior Committee,
Is staging a State Junior Development Camp which will be held at Bankstown Bowl from Monday 19th January 2004 to Friday 23rd January 2004.
This Development camp is a recognised pathway by the National Body (TBA Ltd).
The Course shall be conducted by 2 nationally accredited Level 2 High performance Coaches, including 2 nationally accredited level 1 coaches.
The cost of this camp is as follows;
$177.50 not wishing accommodation, but includes Lunch
$350.50 including accommodation including Breakfast. Lunch & dinner
I have attached a application form for all that my be interested.
During this camp we will be lanching DARTFISH and it's use during coaching (further information on Dartfish will be posted at a later date).
Please feel free in emailing any inquiry to cudac@bigpond.com
This camp is being subsidised by NSW Tenpin Bowling Junior Committee and sponsored by AMF Bowling Centres.
Many thanks,
Greg Sawyer
Is staging a State Junior Development Camp which will be held at Bankstown Bowl from Monday 19th January 2004 to Friday 23rd January 2004.
This Development camp is a recognised pathway by the National Body (TBA Ltd).
The Course shall be conducted by 2 nationally accredited Level 2 High performance Coaches, including 2 nationally accredited level 1 coaches.
The cost of this camp is as follows;
$177.50 not wishing accommodation, but includes Lunch
$350.50 including accommodation including Breakfast. Lunch & dinner
I have attached a application form for all that my be interested.
During this camp we will be lanching DARTFISH and it's use during coaching (further information on Dartfish will be posted at a later date).
Please feel free in emailing any inquiry to cudac@bigpond.com
This camp is being subsidised by NSW Tenpin Bowling Junior Committee and sponsored by AMF Bowling Centres.
Many thanks,
Greg Sawyer