NSW Junior State Development Camp



The NSW Tenpin Bowling Association Junior Committee,
Is staging a State Junior Development Camp which will be held at Bankstown Bowl from Monday 19th January 2004 to Friday 23rd January 2004.
This Development camp is a recognised pathway by the National Body (TBA Ltd).
The Course shall be conducted by 2 nationally accredited Level 2 High performance Coaches, including 2 nationally accredited level 1 coaches.
The cost of this camp is as follows;
$177.50 not wishing accommodation, but includes Lunch
$350.50 including accommodation including Breakfast. Lunch & dinner
I have attached a application form for all that my be interested.
During this camp we will be lanching DARTFISH and it's use during coaching (further information on Dartfish will be posted at a later date).
Please feel free in emailing any inquiry to cudac@bigpond.com
This camp is being subsidised by NSW Tenpin Bowling Junior Committee and sponsored by AMF Bowling Centres.

Many thanks,
Greg Sawyer
NSW Development Camp and DARTISH

Hi All,
In my original post I spoke of DARFISH, this is a video software tool the is now being used around the world, with Team USA coaches recommending its abilities.
Rather than keeping on typing I have attached 2 PDF documents that can be downloaded and read later.
If you wish more information on its use or if you wish an analysis to be done on you let us know.
Will there be a cost ?? this performance Analysis System did come at a cost. Price will be subject to Your needs/requirements.
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