
New Member
Hey guys,

I was just wondering when the NQ Jnr Open is on, cause i have to see if i can get time off work. Thanx heaps

Can You Come And Play???

Hey there Jess and Leesh!!! *hugs* Are you guys both coming to have a go for the NQ Open - be super if you guys did. Trying *fingers crossed* to get some time off work also so I can come and have an excellent weekend with everyone, and have a late celebration of my birthday!!! (15 Nov) *lol*

Hope to see both you girls there!!!
Hey Shorty,

That would be awesome. I just hope that i can go, no sure if i can have the time off. Would b good tho 2 bowl it in my last yr and hopefully be able to defend my title. Hope 2 see you there.

Fingers Crossed!!!

angel said:
Hey Shorty,

That would be awesome. I just hope that i can go, no sure if i can have the time off. Would b good tho 2 bowl it in my last yr and hopefully be able to defend my title. Hope 2 see you there.


Hope you get some time off darl - just incase, I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya!!! Good luck!!!
Hey Shorty... :lol:
Yeah I'm going for the N.Q Open... But I may get a job before then... I HOPE NOT! LOL! No I should be coming down for it! I'll cya then aye... And you'll be one year older! :p
Cya Laterz!!! :fadein:
Hey all

While this topic is up i was just wondering who is doing the Nq open...?

I will be there! :roll:

Leesh said:
Hey Shorty... :lol:
Yeah I'm going for the N.Q Open... But I may get a job before then... I HOPE NOT! LOL! No I should be coming down for it! I'll cya then aye... And you'll be one year older! :p
Cya Laterz!!! :fadein:

*lol* Yeah I will be one year older, but the great thing is I can stil pass for a high school student!!! *lol* Go the height!!! I was talking to my friend the other day we think if no one knew me I could age-out of juniors at least five times!!! *lol* Anways, still haven't heard anything from Sammy yet about if I have got that weekend off, but I'll let everyone know ASAP.

Ummmm, as for Lisa's question about who's going in the NQ Junior Open, try to get a hold Of KellBell, she'll let you know who's on the list.

Ciao for now girls!!! *hugs*
Hey all its me! YAY (not)
if ne1 wants 2 kno im cumin n hope 2 c every1 there n
lisa can u thank ur ma 4 the form she gave me. :D
Im sad coz my year 10 afta party's on the night g4 da
open so i cant hav 2 much fun ne way

catch ya lub Scotty's girl Tonaea
Hey Guys! :D

Just wanted to let you all know that the triangle will be there for sure. :wink:

And i think that the guy's so called triangle should be there aswell. (the guys triangle= brendan, scott bradley and mitchell) :roll:

See you all there

Melissa, Elle & Maree
Of course the "triangle" deep . . . . . . dudes :p Brandan Scotty and mitch will be there it wouldnt be a tounament with out us should be good and we can all run a muck, cheers

Scotty Bradley
Hey everybody!!

Im coming up to NQ open again this year, should be good, i hope its not too HOT!!! :( :( :cry: miss everyone cause you all live so far away!! alright catch ya laters

Krystal king! 8) 8)
Hey Chick!

So glad your coming, ive been doing some trainin just to give u a run for your money! :wink: :wink:

Cant wait, its gonna be an awesome tournie!!

Love MJ
Hey Guys

I should be there, will find out for sure the week after next. It would be great to bowl in my last jnr tourny for ever *sob, sob* Cant wait to see you all and i hope to be over my ross river fever by then. Talk to you all soon

Hey Jess...
We all hope you get better soon... :multi: We do not want you to miss this one! :turn-l:
hey all

just so u know i will b at the NQ open as well i already have time off work... jess i hope ya get better soon n i hope to c everyone there... sounds like its goin to b an awesum tourny, cant wait :D
Hiya peoples,

Well, I'll definitely be there!! :D I finish school the day before so its all good! Should be a great tournie as it always is. Does anyone know who else is goin? Catch ya's all in Townsville!!

Toodles for now....

Hey MJ!

it will be a good tournie, is there anyone from outta state thats going, any more SQ people, My boy maybe going to.. thats two for SQ!! alrighty catchya later! :lol: 8) :lol:
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