North Queensland Junior Intercity...


Justin and i expressed our personal feelings of disapointment regarding the intercity weekend. We did not TARGET nor ATTACK individuals based on their performance, as this was a team tournament.

Once again, no offence was intended and apologies have already been extended. (see previous notice)

Your comments,' I would be ashamed to be in the Kirwan Team, as far as I can see you are not a team,' and, 'Go boys, good team moral. Not very sports like is it.' Is this sportsman-like behaviour? Or is this the pot calling the kettle black?

Are your true colours showing?

Who are you
i think Aarons comments didnt mean to offend anybody i bowled for the handicap team and i didnt get offended by his comments.Its just the kirwan handicap team tried their hearts out but just seemed to get beaten by bowlers that bowled brillant.

signing out lockey duggan
mellisa u rock but 2 bad u came second

signing out lockey duggan
As Aaron said he didn't mean for the comments to come out in this way... As for you to name the people who said it... If your going to name out people for this topic, Where's your name??? Are you in the team???

Just remember, I started this post to congratulate the winners of intercity not to start S**t...
Settle down guys! OK MJ I see your point bout things getting outta hand!
Comments were made by a young person that just didn't come out right and had the potential to offend. That's why I pointed it out so he would realise how poorly it was worded and will think about HOW he says things from now on. It's all part of growing up...learning to think about how what you are saying comes across, to think about how what you say could affect others. I never implied for a moment that he intended for it to be hurtful to anyone because I don't believe he did.

Ace, I am just an adult bowler who wants to see good sportsmanship in this sport that I love and wants to see all of you young bowlers carry on bowling and join the adults ranks some day.

So chill out guys and be nice.....or you'll have to sit in the naughty corner LOL!
I agree!!!!!

It's weird how the boys are havin a cat fight! this doesnt happen much
or i must be blind. :) Ne wayz the torns ova now and it was one of the
best i reccon! hey MJ you beat me! LOL.. :(
i would like to thank all the chaprones,mangers and coaches for taking the kirwan team away but i would like to thank kellie and gwen for all the hard work they did.

from lockey duggan
Naya said:
I agree!!!!!

It's weird how the boys are havin a cat fight! this doesnt happen much
or i must be blind. :) Ne wayz the torns ova now and it was one of the
best i reccon! hey MJ you beat me! LOL.. :(

lol, yeah i did :D ....but ur still one up lol :mad:
I know I am some six months late to reply to this but yes this is the way Aaron speaks and he defenitly did not mean anything by what he said. This did not cause any discord among our team and he knew every player on the handicap team preformed to thier best, some even broke PB's.
I agree with you Mj sometimes it's best not to point things out.
Congrats to Cairns and well done to all teams.As to a home centre advantage ,Since when is bowling in Cairns an advantage ( Uh oh am I in trouble for that lol)
hey jordy im a lil l8 with this 2 ay. But i gotta know, who is toocool??????

oh yeah keepin with the topic. Congrtas 2 every1!!!!! Even brendan who forced me into 2nd place in the masters.....haha ill get ya in cairns.

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