Next Event - Dates


Hi guys,
Still trying to organise the next event, but to try and lock in a date is near impossible at the moment.

Have talked to a few people and in between Emerson shield, Youth and Adult ranked tournaments and East Coast roll-offs there is barely a weekend free the next few months.

If any one has any ideas for dates please let me know. Between the TBA calender and the calender on Vic Tenpins attached below there aren't a lot of options...

Feel free to post, we have 3 more events that need to be run this year.

Tell ya what Dillan....

YOU set the date and leave it up to the bowlers to either bowl and go elsewhere. You've got a good tournament, so don't ruin it by letting the bowlers run it for you.
20th of July Dridge, not June lol.

20th of July turned out to be East Coast Roll-Offs and i know a fair few people bowling in that.

Will check the 23rd of August with the bowls and get back to everyone, but for now that date looks good.


Is my calendar wrong. The 23rd August is a Sat. Would that mean we are talking about the 24th (Sunday) is the one we want?

The 24th of August - East Coast have training i believe and its also my Birthday, so at this stage the event will be run on the Saturday 23rd if that date is do-able.

I vote to keep this event on a Saturday.

Dillan - I'll bring you a cake.

Does having "East Coast trials" really mean changing the event to a Saturday.

The event has been really successful in it's current format. Why change.

perhaps Dillan should re-read my earlier post..

Problem is, the events are set up by the bowler, for the bowler. We are not a totalitarian dictatorship, and it's never "my way or the highway" attitude with the events. Questions are asked to keep the tournament series thriving, and what is being done is working.

The sports element of the series is not the only reason the tournaments are having good numbers, it's the companionship, consistency and competition that keeps bringing the bowlers back. We have so many regular entries from all levels of bowler. We have something that most other tournaments want.

What good is a tournament series without happy bowlers?

Personally, I think having a Saturday tournament is a nice change. This allows me to go play golf on Sunday. :D

That, and every other Sunday that month will be spent in a bowling alley, from Emerson to SA youth AND mesagnos research tournament AND for other bowlers either the youth trials OR Mildura Marathon.
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