New State Manager for SA

Such a shame Jo, but I wish you and your husband all the very best for the future with the impending little one - I am assuming this is your reason for your resignation, congratulations and thank you for a job well done and for the professional way in which you have achieved so much in such a short time. Good Luck to Lyn - I am sure you will continue with the fantastic work Jo and her team have achieved in the last 12 or so months. Well done Jo and may your future with your family be everything you imagine it to be. Let's hope we have a budding little bowler in the future????
For the good of our sport, I hope everyone will appreciate the role of the TBA SA Manager and will support and welcome Lyn in her new role. Anyone who takes on this challenge should have our support 100%. United we stand, divided we fall!!!!
Wow :shocked!:

All the best Jo, us here at total bowling wish you all the best.

We have watched on this forum how you have given so much to help SA in your short time, while some gave your credit where credit was due, and other shot you down at every chance they got you hung in there, not for yourself but for the good on the sport.

We would like to wish you and Anthony all the best with the new arrival on the way, and good luck.

Good Luck to Lyn in your new position, I am sure you will do well.

Sorry to hear about our resignation. Having done a bit of work behind the scenes with you, I realised what good hands TBA SA was in. It's a real shame to see you go, although a pleasure to hear the good news about a little one on the way.

There are a lot of people in our sport who just love to snipe and bitch and moan and carry on. I have no doubt that this contributed in some way to Jo's resigning. Losing a motivated professional person like Jo is a real shame. To those who contributed to her walking away HAVE A LOOK AT YOURSELF. If you can't be positive and constructive, then at least be destructive.

Thankyou Jo for your efforts, TBA SA is far better off because of them

Des Wragg
I agree Desmondo, but if those people who always seem to criticise would just put their hands up and be pro active, then maybe this State would have a better profile where bowling is concerned. As I said last night - "United we stand, divided we fall". They reckon women can be bitchy but............. enough said.

I hope SA Tenpin find someone as dedicated to the sport as you were…Your involvement in the sport at all levels has been second to none…

All the best to yourself and Anthony with the new arrival on the way, all of us here at Total Bowling wish you all the very best…

Make sure you stay active on the site...;)
Please Jase settle down?

While I know Jo has made some progress in some area's especially getting "some" info and entry forms out early. Their are still others area's still need addressing.

How ever as much as Jo and I have our love / hate relationship I wish her and Anthony all the best in the future with the little one. I'm sure he/she will keep there hands full.


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