A good friend of mine mentioned I had been quiet on TB. I dont normally post unless I have something to say - this topic interests me - so here goes:
Just let me say that I dont doubt Jase has got his facts from the horses mouth (apologies to Peter Coburn for insinuating he is a horse). I have not know Jase post on something this serious and not have researched his facts.
My view on this is that this discussion looks as though it is drifting back to the old Nth vs Sth Qld argument we went through for years prior to the splitting of the 2 geographical areas. In my honest opinion it is an old argument and not a road we want to travel down again.
These are the facts as I see them:
1. Nth & Sth Qld have been re-combined and have been asked to submit 1 team to Rauchig.
2. TBAQ has been invited (and has accepted the invitation) to submit an second (not a team of seconds) or "invitational" team.
These facts are irrefutable.
The thinking of nth vs sth should be thrown out. We are all one state again and have to learn to live with it. Thats it !!!
The problem (as I see it) are mainly cost & geographical. What we have to do is work together & find a way to make things as equitable for everyone as is possible. How is that going to be done...I dont know...I haven't really given it much thought, and how do we decide upon 'both' teams...same answer......
In essence, we need to work together...not bicker about nth & sth like kids in a school yard. Lets get behind the committees, if you want to have a say, then go to a meeting (I know from a personal point of view sometimes thats not possible), send an email, send a letter, pick up the phone, or make a post here. But target it at the right people, and make constructive suggestions not destructive ones.
Well....thats about it from me........flame away please !!!!