Belly good idea with regards your comments, I too feel a membership of around $200.00 would be ideal to kick start a National Body. Why thou do we need TBA to be involved. As mentioned earlier they should handle the rules of the game and let the National Tournament organisation run the events and deal with the various centres. This National body should concentrate ALL their efforts on one thing form and run a National Tournament Association with a 190-195 average to be considered for memership. There are enough graded associations or events to cater for these bowlers but what we want is the cream of the Australian bowlers plus the rising stars to want to become members and bowl with the cream of Australian Tenpin Bowlers.
I am sure that once a committee is formed, that discussion with AMF and the NOn-AMF centres will be very interested in talking to NBA and will be knocking on the door to have some of these events at their centre.
The NBA board should have the following Committee:
With a Chairperson elected by the Board for a period of 2 years only. For this to go forward we need to attract new board members every couple of years, allowing some of the older board members to mentor the incoming new board.
Each State should have a major event, however that might not be practical in the first couple of years with regards to NT & TAS. But as has been proven in the past there is no reason why with some effort these 2 state can not hold one of these events.
As Steve Jones has mentioned that he is very keen at the moment, then it should be put forward to hold a meeting at a venue to be decided with the purpose of electing a NBA board so that Rules and regulations can be drawn up and centres approached for the 2010 season.
I am sure that AMF would jump at the chance to help a National body who would run and organise these events with obviously some form of sponsorship from them and any other centre interested. I would think that it would be much cheaper to help sponsor a NBA instead of the current system in place.
Personally I think a list of names need to be drawn up to encourage them to join the board and impart with their experience with regards Tournaments, IT, Marketing, etc....
As it stands most bowlers dont want to get involved on Board level or committe's however they do want to participate in an NBA and belong to an organisation boasting some of the best Tenpin Bowlers in the World today.....
Okay, lets get the ball rolling :-
I would like to see following nominated for my wish list.
Steve Jones (WA)
Jason Pearson (Qld)
Andrew Frawley(NSW)
Sue Cassells(NSW)
Cara Honeychurch(Vic)
Tony Stoppel(SA)
George Frilingos(Qld)
Mary Flower(Qld)
Gary Crick(Tas)
Jeff Whitty(ACT)
And there must be lots of other who would be fantastic to have onthe NBA board.